"Duel with the Deva"
English Version Written by Steve Blum
Guest Starring: Pajiramon, Vajramon
- First,
a note about this kid who wears number seven. After some
fans misheard the line, "Yeah, he wore number
seven," as "Yeah, you want Number Seven,"
as if 'Number Seven' were his name, they took to calling
him that (myself included). Director Mary Elizabeth
McGlynn confirms he was not named in the script, but I
continue to refer to him as 'Number Seven' both here and
in the encyclopedia as it is something of an unofficial
name for him now, and is an appropriate shortening of the
other name we could call him - "That Kid Who Wears
Number Seven."
- 'Number Seven's' "thing" is that he has seven
cards - but when he holds them up in front of his face,
he's only holding five (see screenshot). However, there
are indeed seven cards, plus the extra one, lying on the
ground when "Shibumi" bumps into him and knocks
them out of his hands.
- Maybe this is a wee bit mean-sounding, but why is Henry
hanging around with Kenta, Jeremy (this being the only
time he's referred to by name), and the Mike-a-Like? He
doesn't really KNOW them at this point (not that he EVER
gets to know Jer' or Mickey-boy).
- After talking to Kenta about the strange card, the Tamers
talk to another boy who speaks with Jeremy's voice
(delivering the "he wore number seven" line),
and is, in the dub, apparently intended to be him, but
the animation does not depict Jeremy. This boy is wearing
different clothes, and has a different colour of hair.
- When the Tamers talk to 'Number Seven' on the steps, in
the opening shot, Terriermon is sitting on Henry's
shoulder. However, as the angle changes when Henry says
"Huh? Where in Akihabara?" Terriermon has
disappeared. When the angle changes to an
over-Henry's-shoulder view of 'Number Seven,' Terriermon
has reappeared again (you can see his horn), but then, as
the angle changes one more time and Henry starts to walk
down the steps, Terriermon has vanished again. *
- Look
close during Janyu's flashbacks, and you'll see Shibumi,
dressed in his yellow jacket and cap from this episode,
specifically positioned to be not-entirely-conspicuous in
two scenes (see screenshots). This is the first mention
of the Monster Makers, and the purpose of this is
evidently for any viewers who looked closely to spot him,
and realise that he was the man in the yellow jacket from
this episode. Or to put it another way -
- When Janyu recalls the visit from the Man in Black, as
seen in "Juggernaut," the
man's dialogue is different than it was in that episode.
Originally, he said: "I need you to help me find one
of your old playmates. One who refuses to grow up - who
is working on the project right now." But in this
flashback, it becomes: "I need to find one of your
old playmates who refuses to grow up. We have reason to
believe that he may still be working on the project to
this day."
- When Impmon greets Takato, Henry and Terriermon, the
smiley face on his stomach is missing its teeth-lines.
The same happens again when he says "Geez, take it
easy there, helicopter-head!"
- The Hypnos crew sic Yuggoth on Vajramon and Pajiramon
before they Bio-Emerge, to no effect - but Riley said
Musyamon "completed destroyed Yuggoth" back in "Much Ado About Musyamon."
Of course, she could have just been referring to that
single deployment of the program - and even if she hadn't
been, I imagine Yamaki could have just re-uploaded
Yuggoth to the system.
- Henry's D-Power displays information on Vajramon and
Pajiramon right away - but the D-Powers normally take
time to display data for Devas.
- Vajramon and Pajiramon are unstable because they've just
Bio-Emerged, so they eat electrical equipment to
stabilise themselves. Why does nothing else EVER need to
do this?
- Pajiramon is firing her bow at Terriermon right before he
Digivolves, but when he turns into Gargomon and starts
firing at her, her bow is no longer in her hand. What,
did she decide to holster it and leave herself unarmed?
- The first time Pajiramon fired her bow, the arrows just
materialised in it - but when she pulls it out again, she
now has to manually load it. After the arrows are fired
and pin Gargomon to the ground, we cut back to Pajiramon,
and the bow is still fully-loaded (of course, she could
have just loaded it/had more arrows materialise).
However, as she then runs at Gargomon, the bow is empty.
Finally, when she stomps him, the bow is loaded again (we
can tell because the string is drawn back).
- Henry claims they'll have no idea what effect the Blue
Card will have on Gargomon. Did he miss seeing what one
did to Growlmon back in "Grow Mon
Grow," then
- When Pajiramon opens fire on Rapidmon with her bow, she
fires a rather large number of shots without stopping to
reload in any way.
- When Vajramon and Pajiramon are deleted, their data does
not turn red the way it normally does in this season.
- While Henry, his dad and Terriermon are talking in
Henry's room, Janyu says he has a question to ask
Terriermon, then Terriermon goes "Huh?" and
Henry says, "It's okay." Janyu then proceeds to
inquire about who could have put Shibumi's code into the
Blue Card. Why on Earth does Janyu think Terriermon know
anything about that? It's evident that he doesn't, given
that he doesn't speak another word.
- When Renamon says, "I understand," her mouth
doesn't move.
- Finally, this episode was called "Duel with the
Deva." Should it not have been called "Duel
with the Devas," given that there were,
y'know, TWO of them?
* - Thanks
to Kenneth Hillis for this one!