"Snakes, Trains, and
English Version Written by Alan Smith
Guest Starring: Sandiramon
- The title for this episode isn't grammatically correct -
there shouldn't be a comma between "trains" and
- The recap for "Grow Mon Grow"
depicts the Tamers in a triple split-screen Digi-Modify
sequence, but this never happened in the episode.
- Davis the Narrator claims that in the previous episode,
Takato and Guilmon "went to this alternate
universe." To be fair, I'm not sure what I'd have
called where they went, but "alternate
universe" really doesn't seem to fit the bill. It
was more a kind of hallucination inside Takato's head.
- Okay, now, on to the episode itself, and first, a little
note - this episode was made by the group of animators
who generally produce work that is beneath the quality of
the other teams that work on the series. It starts out
okay, but begins to fluctuate as the episode goes on,
slowly but surely turning to crap (just look at the state
of Impmon as he points down when he tells Takato and
Guilmon about the battle. Yeuch.). Things to look for to
tell if an episode is drawn by this team include Renamon
being disproportinately skinny (check out the scene
were she jumps from building to building after Rika calls
for her in the subway for a very good example), and
probably most noticeably, Terriermon's face being smaller
than normal (see the scene where he and Henry step off
the train).
- A Digi-anatomy lesson: Terriermon has four fingers and a
thumb on each hand, but when he's balancing upside down
at the start of the episode, he's only got three fingers
on each.
- Henry claims "It's 6:30 in the morning!" but
the clock above Takato's head shows that it's actually
- What *are* Henry's "other plans"? He's got a
date circled on his calendar, and tells his family he's
got "some errands to run," taking a fairly
large bag with him. When we next see him, he's on a
train, and we never find out what his other plans were.
You'd think they were pretty important, too... ah, Henry,
so sneaky you are, with your envelope
of mystery...
- The friends that Kazu, Kenta and Jeri bring to the bakery
and who then meet Guilmon are:
Curiously, Jeri's third friend is absent, which is a
little surprising. Moreso than the absence of Jeremy and his
Michael-a-like friend, I suppose.
Jeri's puppet is
missing the stitches that connect its arms to its body
for the entirety of this episode.
- Ayaka's shirt is supposed to have five red stripes on it,
but from the aerial shot, when Kazu says, "Listen
up!" it's only got three. When the girls laugh after
Guilmon barks at Jeri's puppet, it has four, which it
also has later, when Guilmon first uses his "Snot
Blaster." Check out the image on the right to see
this at work.
- As Renamon talks to Impmon, her mouth is missing, like in
"Divided They Stand." The
angle here, though, is more questionable than it was in
that episode, except that, just before leaving, Renamon
tilts her head, making more of it visible - still
speaking - and her mouth *still* isn't there.
not an animation error, because they are consistent about
it, but the design of Sandiramon's tongue is very
peculiar. It's a thin, forked tongue, which pokes out
between his lips... but when he opens his mouth, you can
see that the forked tongue just STOPS, and behind it is a
normal-shaped tongue (see the screenshot). Weird.
- Wouldn't somebody see Terriermon doing all that martial
arts stuff on a train? There's that idiocy/blindness
- A woman who has just run off the train cries out,
"My baby!" and we see the child lying in the
middle of the train carriage. What did you do, lady, drop
your kid and keep running? Some mother...
- All right, so maybe people wouldn't see Terriermon doing
his martial arts, but holding a massive golden metal
shield...? Fair enough, there probably weren't many
people left, all having run away, but that mother and
child were there...
- Kyubimon's fire is once again not moving in this episode,
except, apparently, when she's running (check when she
says "Coming through, watch your toes!" and
"He's getting away!").
- The "Hyper Speed" Modify Card Rika slashes this
episode is actually the "Hypersonic" card from "Much Ado About Musyamon,"
accidentally dubbed with another name. "Hyper
Speed" is a more fitting moniker, though.
- When Kyubimon says, "Now that's more like it!"
her mouth is open, but not moving. Kyubimon is shown to
move her mouth when she speaks otherwise in this episode,
but only when we can actually clearly see her mouth - in
instances where we only see from the top of her head, no
movement is evident, because these animators do not work
in as much detail as those of, say, "Divided
They Stand," where movement on the sides of
Kyubimon's muzzle WAS evident when she spoke from a top
- When Henry explains sarcasm, Terriermon's only got three
fingers on his hands again.
- Kenta, dude, you got hit in the back, why are you
clutching your armpit? (yes, I know he's actually
clutching his chest, but sue me, the animation makes it
look like he's got handful of armpit...)
- From the angle beginning with Impmon's line, "Move
to the head of the class, genius!" Ayaka's shirt now
has seven red stripes on it.
- Sandiramon claims, "The twelve Devas will destroy
you all!" I think you mean TEN, now, Sandy.
- Incidentally, Sandy's dialogue is inkeeping with the
whole flawed "Devas want to rule the world"
thing. And why, exactly, are these guys wasting their
time terrorising humans, rather than getting on with the
mission they've actually been given - finding a new power
source to help Digimon in the Digital World Digivolve? I
know they don't like humans, but I'd consider a mission
from what is effectively their GOD to be more important
than getting a few yuks in watching the little fleshies
scream and run.
- Henry notes that Sandiramon was "different from any
Digimon we've ever fought before." Yes, any Digimon
except Mihiramon, Henry.