"Much Ado About Musyamon"
English Version Written by Steve Blum
Guest Starring: Musyamon
- When Henry remembers Terriermon saying "You never
explained why you wouldn't let me fight before. What's up
with that?" and immediately after, when Terriermon
remembers Henry saying "Nothing's up, I just don't
want you to fight, okay?" no echo or distortion of
any kind is applied to the dialogue to convey the fact
that it's in their minds, making it seem as if they're
actually repeating themselves to each other right then
and there (despite being in different rooms).
- You'd think that if Suzie sticks her fingers in
Terriermon's mouth, she'd realise he isn't just a doll,
wouldn't you?*
- Rika's bed is facing her door in this episode, while
previously, it's been parallel with it. This isn't
technically a mistake, of course - it's just a mattress
she can lay on the floor whatever way she feels like.
- Why is Suzie sleeping in Henry's room?
- Blink and you'll miss them - Yuuji, Taizou and Tadashi
appear again, running out of the schoolyard just in front
of Henry.
When he's got him in
his headlock, Kazu pronounces Takato's name
"TA-ka-to," rather than the normal
- At a few points during the battle with Musyamon, shading
on the characters is absent. It first occurs as Guilmon
and Musyamon grapple after Henry runs into the Digital
Field. The effect is... crapulous (see screenshot). It
then happens again as Guilmon jumps on Musyamon's head
using his wings, but Guilmon's tail is shaded here, and
again when Terriermon headbutts him. Then, finally, when
Gargomon gives Musyamon a point-blank dose of Gargo
Laser, he himself is shaded, but Musyamon is not.
- While it might appear that the Hypersonic card used in
this episode is simply the Speed card we've seen in other
episodes, dubbed with the wrong name (given that their
effects are *identical*), the Digi-Modify sequences do
genuinely depict a different card to Speed.
- I'm convinced that a temporary blindness gripped the
public following the battle, as they'd HAVE to be blind
to miss Gargomon and Guilmon running off in plain view
like that.
- Didja notice that the little girl and her mother are
wearing the same shirt?
* - Thanks
to Tamer Brad for this one!