"Back to Nature, Back to
English Version Written by Seth Walther
Guest Starring: Sinduramon
- This episode is the first time Takato refers to Miss
Asaji by her first name, calling her "Miss
The kids who help
sneak Guilmon onto the bus are Kazu, Kenta, Jeremy and
the nameless Michael-a-like (see screenshot, though
Mikey-boy is obscured behind Miss Asaji). But neither
Jeremy nor the other boy were among the kids who met
Guilmon in the previous episode. Of
course, it's no great stretch of the imagination to
assume they met him at a later time. That said, I
wouldn't think that the entire rest of the class (and
Henry's class, and whatever other classes were on the
trip) would have met him, so it's a bit of a crazy move
just bringing him on the bus in plain view of everyone
except Miss Asaji.
- Did you notice that Kenta's rendition of "Michael
Rowed the Boat Ashore" doesn't include the
"Hallelujahs"? Religious censorship a-go-go.
- I find it hard to believe that Kenta's singing, all the
children yelling and shouting, and Guilmon dancing around
doesn't wake Miss Asaji up. Maybe she popped a few
sleeping pills - you could honestly see her doing that,
couldn't you?
- As Takato, Henry and the Digimon head back to camp after
the kids see Sinduramon, Takato switches back to calling
Miss Asaji, "Miss Asaji," and again pronounces
it "Esaji."
- So... Sinduramon is a chicken that feeds off electricity.
Well, I've heard of a BATTERY HEN,
but this is ridiculous! Nyuuuuk-nyuk-nyuk-nyuk! I'm
sorry, but I've been waiting nearly six months for a
chance to use that joke. :)
- Maybe they just don't know any better, but if I were
Guilmon, Terriermon or Calumon, I'd shut my mouth while I
was underwater.
- Since we know that Impmon actually doesn't mind hanging
around the Tamers and their Digimon, despite what he
says, the fact that he's followed them to the woods isn't
too surprising (he ain't just there by coincidence). My
question is, did he just walk? That seems like an awful
lot of effort for Impmon to put into... well, anything.
From the angle that
begins with Impmon saying, "You Tamers keep your
Digimon on a real short leash," his extra-dark
colour scheme strikes back. This is one of the clearest
frontal views we ever get of it, and it was the first
time I actually really noticed it when first watching the
- When the Digimon splash water at Impmon, Terriermon is
missing his eyebrows (see screenshot).
- When Guilmon, Terriermon and Calumon are slammed back
into the rock wall, they don't slump down, they just sort
of... hang there.
- When Guilmon's eyes go from "normal" to
"crazy," rather than having it happen when he's
blinking, this episode has his eyes simply fade from one
to the other.
- What is the DEAL with the owl? Why does Sinduramon need
to possess/hypnotise it? He can talk, so why does he need
the owl to talk for him? Perhaps he considers the Tamers
so far beneath him that he shouldn't even bother
addressing them directly.
- We switch back to calling Miss Asaji "Miss
Nami" again when Kenta relates how she told them
about the blackouts in Tokyo.
- When Henry remembers what the owl said, the line "He
who drinks of the light of man and expands himself,"
is changed to "The Deva who drinks..." etc.
- When Takato, Henry and Calumon are on the bus, in the
background another passenger can be heard mumbling,
"Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely lost my ticket,
yeah." This is a reference to Dustin Hoffman's
character in the movie "Rain Man," who spoke in
the same manner. Undoubtedly, though, the target audience
first thought of Runt, the canine character from
"Animaniacs" (voice of Frank Welker), who also
parodied Hoffman's character by using the speech pattern.
And they try to tell us cartoons are just for kids! ;)
- Note how Henry singles himself out as the one to blame
for the situation. We don't see this trait much, but
it'll reappear in a very important context later on, in "No Mon Is an Island,"
when Henry isolates himself again.
- When Gargomon opens fire on Sinduramon, the Gargo Laser
IS apparently hitting the rooster, but no impact blasts
are animated.
- After Growlmon is brought to his knees by a Positron
Pulse, and Sinduramon flies back up, we get a close up of
his head before he flies forward again. In this close up,
the whole area around his collar his coloured orange,
like his scarf, but the inner portion of this area should
be purple, like the rest of his body.