"O Partner, Where Art Thou?"
English Version Written by Steve Blum
First Appearances: Rika's mom, Rika's
grandmother (Seiko Hata), Impmon, Kyubimon
Guest Starring: Allomon, Dokugumon, all thim thar Digimon what
wanted Rika to tame them
- The recap for "Dream a Little
Dream" has Davis the Narrator pronounce
Vilemon's name as "Veel-mon," rather than
- Why are the parents attending a talk about the
rainforest? It seems more to me to be one of those
"Parent talk" days, where the parent comes in
and tells the class about their job, and that why it's a
big deal that Rika's mom has to run out. But maybe that's
just me.
- When
Rika's mother answers her phone, she says, "This is
Makino." This would make it seem as if it's her
first name, and a later episode will corroborate this.
But episodes beyond that contradict it. We'll get to the
nitty-gritty of it all when we get to those episodes.
- When Renamon says "And we're the
entertainment," her hand is coloured yellow instead
of white (see screenshot).
- Rika identifies the Modify Card she slashes as
"Agumon's Frozen Wind" - seems more like it
should be "SnowAgumon's Frozen Wind" to me,
what with that being a SnowAgumon, and all.
- The Digimon who want Rika to tame them are:
First window (view
Something that's probably Dolphmon *
Second window (view
Mummymon in his human form
Third window
Apocalymon (!)
SkullMeramon, in his hat and trench coat from season one
- The first two hands that reach for Rika are fairly
nondescript, but the third appears to belong to a
- The footage of Yamaki in his chair from "Guilmon
Comes Alive," with the Yuggoth symbol behind
him, is reused again. But as well as re-used footage, the
ol' Mak-Daddy gets some re-used dialogue here, saying of
Wild Ones: "They just never learn, do they?" -
exactly the same line he spoke in "It
Came From the Other Side."
- Tally's voice has now lost its clipped, British edge. She
sounds better without it, too.
- If Renamon has such exquisite control over her Diamond
Storm that she can use it to free Rika without so much as
scratching her, why was she getting her undies in such a
bunch when Terriermon stepped between her and Guilmon
back in "To Fight or Not to
Fight?" - with the kind of control she exhibits
here, she could have easily have avoided Terriermon and
nailed Guilmon. Bret
Johansson suggests she was aiming for Rika all along,
which is as good an explanation as any.
- This episode is a particularly good example of
"Calumon the Plot Device." He simply pops up
when someone needs to Digivolve - we didn't even see him
arrive or watch the battle, he was just there all of a
- This is a regular animation problem for Kyubimon - the
feet and the tips of her tails are supposed to be on fire
(or composed of fire, whatever), and yet for the entirety
of this episode, they're static and unmoving, except when
she jumps and they move with the rush of air, while in
certain other episodes, they do indeed twitch and move
like fire. I'll point out these differing instances when
we come to them.
- In distance shots and views from the front, Kyubimon's
mouth doesn't move when she speaks. You might excuse
this, recalling that many Digimon in the past two seasons
didn't move their mouths when they spoke either - but
Kyubimon IS shown to move her mouth for several of her
lines in this episode. Make up your mind!
- I've never understood Dragon Wheel. Every time it's used,
in any episode, Kyubimon spins on the spot, and is
clearly shown to transform into a stream of fire, which
then hits the enemy and dissipates - and then after the
impact, we always cut away, and there's Kyubimon standing
there, as if she hadn't been the fire at all.
* - Thanks
to for this one!