"Not As Seen on TV"
English Version Written by Seth Walther
- As bloopers go, this first one is probably one of the
biggest in the series. At the end of the previous
episode, "A Question of
Trust," Takato, Henry, Terriermon, Rika and
Renamon were all standing together. But as this episode
begins, Henry, Terriermon, Rika and Renamon have all
vanished! They appear again later in the episode, but
with no explanation of where they went. Animator/writer
not paying attention, methinks...
- Similarly, the road bridge which Growlmon crashed through
at the end of the previous episode is now apparently
undamaged. Makes me think the animators who did this
episode didn't communicate very closely with the group
that did the previous one...
- Takato wonders if "De-Digivolve" is even a
word. Well, as anyone who has watch the previous two
seasons can tell you - yes, it is. And Takato has seen
the series, so this is something he should know. Heck,
the very title of the episode is a reference to the
television show.
- The shape of the little 'balcony' outside Takato's window
is different from "Guilmon Comes
Alive." In that episode, it was only as wide as
the window, and very, very thin - but here, it's wider
than the window, and spacious enough for Growlmon to
squeeze onto it. Also, the bottom of the window was at
Takato's waist height in "Guilmon
Comes Alive," but now it's down near his knees.
And finally, the window was not nearly as close to the
edge of the wall as it is in this episode.
- When Impmon remarks, "So, you wanna play
rough?" he's got the extra-dark colour scheme that
we first saw in "A Question of
- When Impmon says, "You could use some exercise, big
boy!" he's extra-dark again.
- The scene of Takato shovelling bread into his pockets is
re-used from the longer piece of footage of him doing
more of the same in "Digimon,
Digimon Everywhere."
- Takato professes to have "walked up and down that
tunnel so many times he wore a groove in the floor."
But according to "Now You See
It, Now You Don't," the tunnel goes all the way
to the next town. Takato would have walked quite a few
miles if he'd gone up and down it's length multiple times
- and it's a school day, so he wouldn't have had time to.
When Terriermon sees the kids
climbing over Growlmon, the markings on Growlmon's black
stripes are not coloured their usual orange colour,
instead being a slightly darker colour than the stripes
themselves (see screenshot).
- When Terriermon runs into the schoolyard, he turns to the
right, and immediately can be heard to start talking. But
when he, Henry and Takato come running out, they appear
at the far end of the yard, rather than the point where
Terriermon turned off.
- And speaking of this - it's the middle of a school day!
How are they getting away with ditching so easily?
- In Growlmon's flashback, when Impmon says "Now see
here, I'm not gonna fight you if you're gonna fight
back!" the mouth of the smiley face on his stomach
is coloured yellow instead of white.
- A second later, as he runs off, shouting "Lousy
pineapple-head!" he's extra-dark once more.
- Renamon's making some really sinister animal-type growls
in this episode. I don't know what to make of this, just
pointing it out cause it's kinda weird...
- After Henry says "No, it's making the paint run
off!" parts of Growlmon's red skin are visible. But
in the next shot, as Takato hugs him, they're gone.
- Why doesn't any of this wet running paint come off on
Takato, given that he's rubbing up against Growlmon?
- When Growlmon starts to glow, the portions of his red
skin have appeared again.