"Digimon, Digimon
English Version Written by Seth Walther
First Appearances: Nameless boy, Mr. Iwamoto,
Principal Seiji Kurosawa, Toshiaki Mori
Guest Starring: Goblinmon/Fugamon
- Takato's backpack - which vanished in the previous
episode when he was searching for Guimon's Bio-Emergence
point - is sitting on the desk in his room, before
Guilmon knocks it off. Perhaps he went home to leave it
there before continuing his search...?
- I think it's a bit odd that Guilmon can identify
"goggles" by name, having only just been born,
and all, don't you?
- Why is Takato sleeping on the floor? Maybe his bed
couldn't support Guilmon's weight...
- Mrs. Matsuki runs off a list of reasons why they can't
keep a pet, but missed what I'd think is the most
important one - would you really want a dog, or whatever,
running around in a place you regularly prepare food in?
- Rika's D-Power analysis spells the newly Bio-Emerged
Digimon's name "Goblimon," but she pronounces
it "Goblinmon."
- Why
does Renamon have trouble with Goblinmon, and yet is able
to take down the stronger Fugamon with much less
- Takato's a talented one, being able to swallow that big
ol' chunk of bread without chewing.
- Check out the kid sitting beside Kazu and Kenta after
Takato makes his long jump - it's not too apparent from
the screenshot on the right, but he looks kinda like
Michael from season two. He doesn't have a known name,
but he's going to appear in their company every now and
again in the future.
- How was Guilmon holding the box to stop the principal
pulling it off? When it is removed, Guilmon has his arms
at his sides, and his claws weren't poking out under the
edge when he had it on, like they would be if he was
gripping it, so...
- Observe the teacher in the screenshot that the principal
tells about Guilmon, who queries "A talking
dinosaur?" - it's Toshiaki Mori, making his first
brief appearance. He'll get more screen time and become
easily recognisable in later episodes.