1.5" Collectable Digimon
2.5" Action Feature Digimon
5" Digivolving Figures
DX Mini Skateboards
Deluxe Playsets
Electronic Talking Digimon
Electronic Toys
Video Games
The figures in
sets I-VII came from the Japanese line, "Digimon
Cages," which featured a single, super-deformed-style figure
in a small plastic display cage/package. Beginning with set VIII,
the figures came from the Japanese tabletop game, "Digimon
Clicks," essentially a Digimon version of "Mage
Knight" or "Marvel Heroclix."
HerculesKabuterimon stands out as the only non-show character to have a 1.5" figure.
All of these sets were released in Europe.
Each toy came packaged with a sticker of
the character(s) in question.
Agumon, Gabumon, Tentomon, Biyomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Patamon and Gatomon came packaged with a translucent plastic Digivice with a belt clip.
A Joe/Mimi pack was planned, but was apparently not released. The figures were made available, however, as part of the 20-piece set released the following year.
All of these toys were released in Europe, except the Tai/Kari, Matt/T.K. and Sora/Izzy packs.
These toys came packaged with trading cards in their likenesses.
These figures were all made
from Japanese moulds - the first and only year where the whole
line of Digivolving figures were Japanese in origin.
All of these toys were released in Europe, but the European releases did not contain the cards.
Miniature "finger" skateboards, which came with a small figure of the Digimon, a keychain, finger bindings and a display stand.
The MegaKabuterimon figure and board illustrations made use of the Digimon's alternate, blue colour scheme, rather than the show's maroon one, while the MetalGreymon set used the viral colour scheme.
MetalGreymon, Angewomon, WereGarurumon, MagnaAngemon, Zudomon, MegaKabuterimon, Lillymon and Garudamon were later re-released, moulded in translucent yellow glow-in-the-dark plastic, with slightly different boards.
All of these spinning tops were available in Europe.
Each Digimon opens to reveal a hidden diorama with miniature figures, and comes with extra pieces to Digivolve them.
Both these sets were available in Europe.
Each of these figures spoke
one of two lines when one of their limbs was moved. They were
bytes from the television show - the Digimon's attack cry, and
their name, followed by "Digivolve!"
The Gabumon toy erroneously had the sound byte, "Howling Blaster!" - Garurumon's attack, not Gabumon's.
All of these toys were released in Europe.
The first version of the Digivice was available in dark blue, orange, red , green and light blue. Version 2 was available in light purple. Additionally, Bandai Asia - who you can read more about on the season three toy page -released Version 2.5, which was available in blue, purple, yellow and silver.
Only the orange and blue v1 Digivices were available in Europe.
This game was for the Playstation console.
"Digimon World" was released in Europe, but it's release date was continuously pushed back - in the end, it didn't come out until the next year, after Digimon World 2 had been released in America!