PatamonAngemon is the Champion form of Patamon, the Digimon partner of T.K. While Patamon makes his first appearance in the first season premiere episode, “And So It Begins...” he does not Digivolve into Angemon until the final battle with Devimon in “Legend of the DigiDestined,” 12 episodes later. This particular toy is cast from the same mould as it’s Japanese counterpart, as were all of the first-series US toys, meaning that it is largely of a higher quality than the second season figures.

The toy comes packaged in Patamon form, which is normal for the first-series toys, which come packaged in their “lower” form. Included in the package is Angemon’s staff, folded in two. Patamon is largely show accurate, aside from the openings in his top and bottom, where you can see the Angemon pieces inside of him. At first I was puzzled as to why the staff folds in half, but with a little effort, you can fit the folded staff inside Patamon in this mode, so it doesn't have to be set aside. Patamon rests on four spindly legs, but the front two are held in with ball joints, which grow loose over time, making it more difficult to stand him up straight as time goes over.

To transform Patamon into Angemon, you split Patamon’s body in half vertically, and spread it out, splitting the halves into quarters horizontally, forming four of Angemon’s wings. You then unfold the Angemon body inside, twisting Patamon’s legs around and fitting them inside Angemon’s legs and feet, and fold out Patamon’s ears to form Angemon’s other two wings. Finally, you unfold the staff and insert it into Angemon’s right hand, from the bottom up.

The detailing on Angemon is show-accurate, which is always a good thing when targeting little kids who like to recognise their favourite characters in toy form. Angemon has articulation in his neck, shoulders, two joints at his elbows, his right wrist (where he fires his Hand of Fate attack from in the cartoon), his hips, two joints at his knees, and a hinge and swivel-joint at each of his ankles. The base of each of his wing is held on with a tight ball joint, making each wing individually poseable. Angemon looks great from the front, but when you turn him around, you can see all the Patamon parts on the backs of his wings. But perhaps this figure’s greatest problem is that some sort of bizarre design defect has left his right leg just a little shorter than his left one. This makes getting the figure to stand quite a chore, because he can easily be over-balanced by his wings, so you have to get him good and level, by bending his knee joint to shorten his left leg. Kids might have a little trouble getting the wings lined up right, and I know that I’ve had difficulties getting them arranged so they snap back into position when transforming back into Patamon.

Patamon is what would be termed a “revealer” or a “shell-former” - which is to say, one form which opens to reveal another, rather than one form which actually becomes another. However, he’s still a very good toy, and was the first Digimon Digivolver I actually bought, based on my impressions of the complexity of his transformation compared to the other figures in the line. I prefer to display him in his impressive Angemon mode, but his leg and wing-weight problems always manage to irritate me when I return him to my shelf after taking him down.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5