It's just passed midnight here in Ireland, and as all Transformers fans are saying right about now, "It is the year 2005!" Have a good one, folks!
(Hey, I updated the 4th Tamers manga guide with pictures when you weren't looking!)
And lo, it came to pass that Saint Nick paid a visit to this household last night, and he didst bring with him a new computer... and it was GOOD.
Yee-ee-HEAH, baby!
Well, it's Christmas Eve, and I have now only one day's use of this infernal grey box left. Oh, my children, it will be such a joyous time. Doesn't look like I'm going to get to smash the old thing up, but we can't have everything, even at Christmas. :) Having now made this post to wish you all the best of everything this season, I'm off to wade through a dire Spyware infection to upload the files I want to keep from this machine, so I can get things going as soon as possible with tomorrow's new arrival. If everything's in order and I get it all up and running, I'll make an update to let you all know - rejoice with me, won't you?
Happy Holidays!
Christmas pic is
now up! I'm quite pleased with it - I knew I wasn't going to be able to
top last year's effort, so I didn't try, although the idea of an
all-villains Christmas party did cross my mind. In the end, I settled
on just the evil Hybrids from Frontier - I really like these guys, and
I've barely drawn anything Frontier-related. When I was coming up with
ideas for the picture, the one that really convinced me to do this one
was Grumblemon's little Cherubimon plushie. That thing is adorable.
I was able to take this in to ex-work to scan it (my monitor's
knackered, remember), but I couldn't add the coloured lensflares that I
usually use for the Christmas tree lights there. So, I had to do that
at home, and could only just manage it on the larger version of the
picture- if they look like crap, it's because I was doing it colour
blind. I'll go back and fix it after I get my new machine!
Also, I realised that I never archived my St. Patrick's Day picture on
the fanart page. That's done now.
Made a few small updates of things to the fourth Tamers manga guide, as well.
The season is upon us once again, and it's time for the Christmas layout to make it's appearance! Only three weeks to go, folks, better get your lists ready! Look out for some Christmas fanart coming sometime in the near future!
And for today's update, now completing the Tokyopop Manga page to date, the guide for the final volume of Tamers is now up! As previously noted, though, it's currently without pictures, and will be until I get my new monitor so I can see to scan 'em up right.
And the bad news just keeps on comin'.
Everyone will probably now be aware of my laptop frying itself. It is still out of commission, pending repair. So the Frontier episodes, and what I have written of the encyclopedia, are still sealed off from me. However, to add the butter on the friggin' muffin, my PC's monitor died recently. I was able to obtain a replacement from a friend of my mother's, who had some old PC stuff lying around, only to find that the colour on it is knackered - it's missing the G part of RBG. So, I'm typing this on a distinctly purple-tinged screen right now. This screws up any hopes I have of scanning images for the moment (for example, I've just snagged the fourth and final Tamers manga volume, and will have a guide up soon - but it'll be sans pictures). Also, I haven't a clue what I'm going to do about my Christmas pic - I could take it into work and scan it, but I finish at the end of this week, and I haven't even started it yet.
I'm really sorry about all of this. I know that my updates have slumped off in the last year (since I started work, basically), and that lately, all I've had for you lately is really just manga guides, but I can do no more than ask for your patience and support. I know that Digimon websites are dropping like flies across the 'net right now, but I refuse to let the Digimon Encyclopedia be one of them. I'm still absolutely committed to this website, and to seeing the encyclopedia through to it's conclusion - and there IS a bright speck on the horizon. Aside from me finishing up my work, creating some free time to work on stuff before I get a new job, I will be getting... a NEW PC for Christmas! Yes, at last! Finally, the processing power to play the Frontier episodes, to make screencaps, to watch DVDs, to download STUFF! It will be most glorious, dear readers, and you'll all reap the benefits along with me as I can finally get things moving around here again.
And on Boxing Day?
Me and my old computer are going out into the backyard with only a
sledgehammer between us, and it ain't going to be pretty.
...oh, and there's
a bit of news about the new movie, "Digimon X-Evolution," too - I know
it's pretty much old now, but I should chronicle (heh) it.
Surprisingly, it turns out that it's a TV movie - it'll be airing on
Fuji TV on January 3rd, at a length of 75mins. The upside of this?
Fans'll have it online to download faster than you can say "Where can I
download the new movie?"
Major league props to Bitstream, who's supplied me with the scan I needed to make the background for the 2004-2005 Toys page!
A correction to the last update - the second Digimon DVD volume was NOT released on the 25th of October after all. Some lists were mixed up and some stores and sites listed it as coming out then, but it didn't - it'll be out along with the next wave of budget "Best Sellers" titles, which is unfortuantely not until next March (it'd be sooner, but the upcoming festive season interrupts the regularity of the releases).
Okay, a real bitch of a piece of news regarding the Frontier C's - my laptop's is not in a state of good health. The power adapter has not been fixed and returned yet, so the technician that who's dealing with this for me got a new adapater for use in the meantime... only the bloody thing superheated my laptop (and it was the same voltage and everything, so there's no reason for this!). The laptop contains the Frontier C's to date, as well as all my Frontier episodes (though I've got them all on CD, except for the last 10, which I never got to burning), and I need it's higher processing and speed and all that to play the episodes at a decent rate and make screencaps from them, because my f____ing dinosaur PC can't handle that. Not exactly sure what's going to happen here...
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings!
No art for Halloween
this year, but ye trusty layout still gets it's yearly bit of
And look, I've got an update for you, too! Finally, I've finished
the Manga Guides for 01 - check out the guides for
volumes 2-5 on the Tokyopop Manga page!
In more irritating news, I THOUGHT I had my laptop cable fixed, but the absolute 'TARD at the repair shop put the wrong plug on the end of it - one that *doesn't fit my laptop.* So it's gone back AGAIN, and the Frontier C's are STILL inacessible... that's beginning to bug me.
In other news, though, UK fans will already know that the second Digimon DVD volume was released this past Monday (the 25th), containing episodes 6-9 of 01 (one volume had to contain four eps to get all 54 out, and this was the one). Also, in a shameless personal plug, check out the "Transformers: Robots in Disguise" boxset released on the same day for profiles written by me!
Just a reminder for fellow UK fans - "Digimon Rumble Arena 2" is out on PS2, XBox and Gamecube tomorrow, Friday the 15th October. Not sure what version I'll be picking up out of the PS2 or GC version, but a review will be pending. Also coming up as a review is "Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui," which I justed picked up on DVD today. As for other updates, once AGAIN, my laptop's power cable has packed up, so the Frontier C's (quite near to completion) are sealed off from me again.
Godammit. Time really seems to be slipping away from me more and more. It actively *annoys* me when I don't get as much done for the site as I want to. Ah, hell, anyway, updates today! Real ones! Not them fake ones likes ya sees on Tee-Vee!
The guide to Digimon Tamers Vol. 3 is now up on the Tokyopop Manga page! Volumes 2-4 of 01 will be up in the near future.
Since Digimon toys are now back on the shelves, the Toy Encyclopedia needed an update! Since there's no season to name this section after, what can I call it but 2004-2005 Toys. Oh, and hey - I knocked this background together quick-like, given that I don't have any of the toys to scan the packaging of. If anyone reading this has bought one of the new line's toys recently and still has the backing card (or plans to buy one), do me a favour - couldja scan it and e-mail it on over, please? You'll get credit!
Also, for the first time in a good while, the Pop Culture Page has been updated with a reference I've been meaning to add for a while, and a new one from Teen Titans!
And yeah, I know... I said it wouldn't be ten months before my next fic, and if I don't get one up by the end of next month, that'll make me a liar. No promises. This friggin' story doesn't want to go anywhere in my head.
Frontier C's still under construction... up soon!
Sorry about the recent lack of anything folks - but I do have an excuse. For the last few weeks, I've been on vacation in Canada, visiting my girlfriend (some of you might remember I did the same thing at the same time last year). I DID mean to do an update just to let you all know before I left, but I didn't get around to it. For that, I have no excuse. Sorry for leaving you in the dark, and if I worried anyone!
Mind you, since I've only just got back, I don't actually have anything to update with right now. But there will be some stuff coming up soon. Thanks to the help of my girlfriend, I've now acquired the four volumes of the 01 Tokyopop manga that I was missing, and also bought the third Tamers volume while I was away, so there's all of that to add to the Manga guide pages. The Frontier C's are underway and will be up soon, while I'm about to begin the script for "Revival of the Ancient Digimon."
I know that by now, some of you will also have noticed that my humour fanfiction series has disappeared off of FanFiction.Net. If you checked out my author page there, you'd see my thoughts on the matter. Yes, the total fucktards removed by fics because... shock... gasp... oh no! ...they were in SCRIPT FORMAT! Heaven forfend! The universe will surely spiral into a slow energy death if fics are written in script format! BAH. Anyway, I'll be getting them up on my webspace here in due time.
In other news (OLD news, now, which I never reported before, but hey, just for the sake of it...) check out the trailer to "Digimon Xevolution" HERE. You'll need to have Bitorrent to download it, and all those latest codecs and things to run it, or whatever. Don't e-mail me asking why it won't work, because I don't know. Since my last update, the movie's subtitle has been revealed - "The Thirteenth Royal Knight."
Also, in the wake of the launch of Bandai's new Digimon CCG, Digimon toys can once again be found on the shelves. They're almost all old toys re-released, but I'll be putting up a page for them (and the new video games arriving) in the Toy Encyclopedia once I get together all the information on precisely what toys are available again, if there are any in excess of what is now listed on Bandai's re-opened Digimon page.
In my absence,
Maximum Entertainment have released their first Digimon DVD,
containing the first five episodes of the series. Downsized from
it's original two-disc eight-episode specs to strengthen the
cheaper, budget range of titles, the disc retails for
only £5. Also, in a shameless bit of self-promotion, check out
their first volume of "Transformers: Robots in
Disguise," which I've written a series of character profiles
Well... um... you
never know what you're going to find when idly surfing around.
out this entry from UrbanDictionary.Com
Now... I have absolutely no idea who submitted that, to a site I
never normally visit. It's got me pretty curious, but I also
found it pretty darn hilarious. See that "thumbs up"
vote? That was me. :)
Also, got some REAL
news - the website for Bandai of America's new Digimon
Collectable Card Game is now up!
Pay a visit to: DigimonCCG.Com
Hey, it's my birthday! 22 today - so I've got a present for you! (Wait, is that right...?)
B'S are up!
Read about Beetlemon, Beowolfmon, Bokomon, BurningGreymon and
loads more! Also in the first entries for "Revival of the
Ancient Digimon," we've got Ball, Bearmon, Boarmon and
Also, some news on
the UK DVD situation - in addition to having been pushed back
four weeks to August 23rd, the first volume was also been
downgraded to it's original specs: a one-disk release containing
the first five episodes. No extra features are planned, as the
disc is part of Maximum Entertainment's budget range of titles.
Retailers have encouraged this move, as a strong title like
Digimon only help to strengthen the budget range. On the plus
side, it's only going to £4.99. It was bumped from the opening
line-up of Digimon, "Transformers: Robots in Disguise"
and "Hero Turtles: The Next Mutation" for "King
Arthur and the Knights of Justice," to play off of the
current movie, "King Arthur."
(Also, for those of you keeping track at home, this doesn't
affect Transformers or Turtles, although both titles, along with
King Arthur, have been pushed back a weektop the 2nd of August
because production was really to the wire on them.)
Shock headline!
My local comic shop actually got a new Digimon manga in for
once! I didn't have to drive two hours to get one!
So, check out the new guide for
on the Tokyopop Manga page!
Laptop's running
again - so here's the
The second Tamers movie, and sixth Digimon movie overall, takes place after the end of the Tamers series, and gets all the characters together for a big send-off. And for me, this movie did what I thought was impossible - for this one, shining moment, I actually cared about Rika.
VirginMegaStores.Co.Uk has the cover image of first UK Digimon DVD volume up.
Click to pre-order on the site. They also have the second volume listed for release on 11th October. Pre-order it HERE.
However, this image is unlikely to be the finalised version, as it gives the wrong number of episodes, and may contain more extras. More news as we get it.
After a long time, my freeserve e-mail account has expired, so I'll now be operating out of my previously-existing but not-used-that-often hotmail address. The e-mail link in the menu bar has changed to reflect this. Also, if you sent me an e-mail in the last two weeks or so to be my freeserve address, I didn't get it.
My laptop is still kaputsville, so the Frontier B's are still a-ways off, but I've still got a proper update for y'all!
the voice of Lopmon and Zoemon, is now up! This lady's a
fan-favourite actress in anime circles, and I've had the chance
to discuss her Digimon roles and other work with her. Join us,
won't you? :)
And now, the latest update from Japan regarding "Digimon Xevolution," the exciting new CGI animation coming in 2005. After some initial ponderings over what the nature of this animated project would be, all signs now indicate that it's going to be a movie. Immediately, that may make you fear that it won't see the light of day in an English-language format, like most of the other existing Digimon movies, but the press release (which has appeared on the Bandai of Japan website, confirming that this is definitely the real deal) on the project states that they're planning for it to reach the west. Although you've probably heard all this and seen these before, check out the info and images archived on Shining Celebi's site HERE.
More UK DVD news is pending - I had hoped to offer and exclusive preview of the package art for you, but Fox Kids has requested it be re-done, so we must wait to see what comes.
Well, I got my laptop working again briefly... only it turned out that the fools who "repaired" it's broken cable used the wrong resistance of wire, and the thing melted and split. Thankfully, before then I was able to get my new wireless connection working on it, and transferred all the Frontier encyclopedia files to my PC. And you know what that means...
Read about Agunimon, Aldamon, Angler, Arbormon and loads more!
And you know what the best thing about having nice, big downloaded copies of the episodes is? I can screencap them until the cows come home! This is the first time for any series that I've been able to do this, and it means that the Frontier encyclopedia will be the most image-extensive one. And that's a good thing, too, because decent screenshots are hard to come by online, and thanks to Toei creating a Flash site for the series, instead of a plain html one, model sheet (official, white background) images that *don't* look like crap are quite hard to come by (thanks to Angel-kun from the WtW boards for the Asuramon model sheet pic!). That said, my PC doesn't have the power to play the episodes at their full capacity, so I think the B's may have to wait until my laptop, which CAN play them well, enabling me to get better-quality images than my PC would allow, is working again.
Oh, and after covering all his episodes to write his entry, I must disturb you all by saying - I love Angler the Trailmon, and were it possible, would bear his giant, metal German-speaking kinder.
Up next on the news front - REALLY EXCITING NEWS FROM JAPAN!
Go check out THIS
PAGE. What does it say, you ask? Here's the translation from
the WtW messageboards:
Bandai to Start New "Digital Monster" Project
Developing a Full Length CG Anime and Game Soft for 2005
Bandai has announced a new project with their "Digital
Monster" characters. At the project's core will be
"Digital Monster X-evolution", a new anime released in
"Digital Monster X-evolution" is a full length
animation done entirely in CG. The creators include Kakudou
Hiroyuki (director of the TV series "Digimon Adventure"
and "Digimon Adventure 02") as director, and Itou
Kazunori, who worked on "Gamera" and ".hack",
and Kawasaki Miwa, who was in charge of the novelization of
".hack" and the script for "Air Master", as
scriptwriters. Done entirely in CG, it will concentrate on the
"digital" part of "Digimon".
Along with this new animation, there will be new games, cards,
figures, etc. Nothing concrete has been revealed yet about these
products, but a game based on "X-evolution" will likely
be released sometime in 2005.
"Digital Monster" was originally introduced by Bandai
as a type of "fighting Tamagotchi" handheld game. The
first of these handheld games was introduced in 1997 and soon
became a hit, selling 13 million units nationwide as of March
2004, and over a million units overseas.
Now, don't go screaming "Season five!" just yet - we
don't fully know what this is. It may just be an OVA or a movie -
which is still good news! And evidently, from the title, it'll
somehow be tied in to the "Digimon Chronicle"
mini-manga. All in all, it's exciting news, which is something
that has long been overdue.
And in news closer to home, UK company Maximum Entertainment, who
are bringing Digimon to DVD this summer, have reported that for
their first release, they'll be bringing out a two-disc set
containing nine episodes, an upgrade from the original report of
five eps on a one-disc release. This will be consist for the rest
of season one, splitting it up into six nine-episode
installments. Currently slated extras are character profiles and
stickers, with more likely to come. A cross-sell with the UK's
official Digimon magazine is assured. Watch this space for more
details as we get them!
- - -
Er, I missed saving a few updates here...
- - -
Congratulations to aaroNiGHTS, who got the 500,000th hit exactly! He hasn't told me what he wants for his pic yet, though.
However, just to let everyone know, it'll be a little while before you see it. See that icon of my head up there? While attempting to shoo away a stupid little yappy dog while I was walking home, a hedge branch caught me in the eye, and has scratched my cornea. I've got to wear this damn patch for a day or two, and can't draw with only one eye workin'. Stupid yippy dogs.
Some of you out there may remember when I briefly flirted with hit gift pictures, but stopped because I didn't have enough time to draw them. Well, the site is now less than 200 hits away from getting 500,000 hits - that's half a million! - and that'll be exceeded with the next 24 hours, so, I'm opening up the hit gift challenge again! Be the 500,000th visitor, and e-mail me a picture of the counter at 500,000, and you'll get a picture of your own choosing drawn for you by my own fair hand! The only stipulations are: no yaoi, no hentai, no gijinka. Cheesecake is fine - God knows, I draw my fair share of that! :)
If no-one sends the 500,000th hit image, the winner is the one who sends the nearest number to it - take a chance! And no constant refreshing! That's cheating!
Back to the regular layout now. And there's a
new guestbook up! F*ck you, GuestOne, hello BraveNet!
Also, I've been doing something I've meant to do for a good long
while now - watching old episodes. I happened to watch a couple
of eps from the last arc of 02, and realised there's no denying
it - that's not Laura Summer as Noriko (post World Tour) and
Yolei's replacement voice, it's Bridgette Hoffman. That would
make this her first identified Digimon role, before Jeri.
Assorted pages are updated to reflect this.
A little belated, but I've just added
"Digimon Battle Spirit 2" to the Season 4 Toy
Normal layout returning on Monday, and not before, dammit! ;)
It's just passed midnight here in Ireland, so
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!
Now, don't let it be said that I haven't been putting my time off
to constructive use! As we ring in the New Year, let's also ring
in two new sections here at the Digimon Encyclopedia!
Read the scripts for the movies that didn't make it to
the west! "Diaboromon Strikes Back" now up!
Your guide to the manga adaptation of the TV series! Digimon
Volume 1 now up!
That oughta keep you all busy for a little while!
(and we'll be switching back to the regular layout soon!)
Phew! I cut it close with just one day left until the ol' fella with the white beard comes calling, but I finished my piece of Christmas fanart! I think you can see why it took this long - it features FIFTY-TWO, count 'em, fifty two, characters, including all the main DigiDestined, Tamers and Digimon from all four seasons of the show! Click it for a larger version!
Now, as a certain purple-skinned Myotismon-host once said... "Enjoy the holidays... it's the most wonderful time of the year!"
Proper Crimbo, I tell thee!
Finally... a new fic is HERE! Let's ALLLL ignore the ten-month
gap, as the mystery of FACTORY MARK continues in "Rage
Against the Machines!"
The promised piece of fanart is coming, I swear... but it's just
*really* taking a long time. When you all see, you'll know why,
believe me!
Christmas is getting close, folks, and the
Digimon Encyclopedia is ready to help you celebrate!
First, we've got our merry ol' Christmas layout up, and you can
while away this cold winter night with the Tamers Vs, which are
up at long last! Read about Vajramon, Vikaralamon and Viximon,
and since movie updates are already included, V-Pets are here
That's all for the minute, but there's more festive fun coming in
the next just-less-than-two-weeks, as my latest fic FINALLY
arrives, and we rejoin the Digi-crew at yuletide as the mystery
of Factory Mark continues... and my Christmas piece of fanart is
coming soon, too.! It's quite possibly the biggest Digimon fanart
undertaking done - certainly tbe biggest I know of!
Well, I don't care for your tone, mister.
But I did it anyway. :)
The Tamers T's and U's are now updated with information for "The Adventurers' Battle" and "Runaway Digimon Express," bringing the existing encyc fully up to date. Find updates to:
and Terriermon
and new entries for:
Tamashiro, Ryuuji
Uehara, Takehito
and Urazoe, Watari
Keep an eye out for the V's - at least - to appear before Christmas, along with some more festive silliness, including the Christmas layout, some Christmas fan art... and... choke... glurg... yes... A NEW FIC!
I also plan to create detailed summaries - or perhaps full scipts - and screenshot galleries for the three undubbed movies in my possession, so that those who have not seen 'em can get the full picture in one go.
And you thought I was givin' up on you! ;)
Finally, yes, I know the guestbook isn't working, I don't know what happened to it, but I'll get onto fixing it, or, more likely, creating a new one. Damn, and I had over 200 sigs in there, too...
An off-topic, and surprisingly long and
thoughtful (for me) review of "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie"
is now up.
Sorry about the lack of all things Digi-related at the moment,
but you'd be surprised how hard I'm finding it to work on the
encyc. Something soon, I promise!
Finally got something done around here!
Courtesy of the Cowboy Bebop movie DVD, a picture of Beau
Billingslea has been added to the Voice List, and a newer Steve
Blum pic has gone up with it.
Also, on the off-topic side of things, a review of the spiffy
"Bionicle: Mask of Light" DVD is now up to read.
The Halloween picture, which has finally been belatedly titled,
is added to the Fanart page.
Okay, okay you guys. Today, I'm Homestar
Happy Halloween, kids! :D
Puttin' the "Devi" in her name, LadyDevimon's the star of the site's Halloween pic! Would you object to being tricked by this li'l treat? :) Click for a larger, textless version! And I'm following her lead with my costume for today!
Told you you wouldn't be seeing updates just as
regularly... and this ain't even much of a one. It's just to go
along with the Halloween layout going up, and to say that
finally, I've created an archive page for the site's updates. I
should've done it ages ago. Also, I'm working on a Halloween pic
for the site, though, so expect to see it in the next few days -
I would have more of it done (and would have had this layout up
yesterday), only I sprained my ankle yesterday, and had to lay
around with it propped up all evening. Pain in the friggin' neck,
I'll tell you.
I wish I had the enthusiasm to go and alter a screenshot of my
head to give myself a NEW costume right now, but I don't. Watch
for some later in the week. :)
The Tamers S's are now updated with movie info!
Find updates to Sakuyamon and Suzie, and new entries for
Scorpiomon, Seasarmon and Sepikmon!
I don't have either of the two reviews that I mentioned recently
done yet - I need to watch Cowboy Bebop again before I can put my
thoughts into words, and haven't had the chance, while Unicron
has thus far failed to arrive. Sorry, folks! I might review
"Bionicle: Mask of Light," though...
Woah, it was a little quiet there for a while,
huh? Fear not, fear not! We got mo' movie mojo! It ain't mo' mojo
than befo', as only the Tamers P's and R's are updated, but it's
still something, aye? Find updates to:
And new entries for:
and "Runaway Digimon Express"!
But that's not quite all - I missed a little update to the
"Hypnos" entry for "Runaway Digimon Express,"
so I popped back and added that. And after a brief recent
discussion on Alt.Fan.Digimon about where certain buildings and
sights you see in Digimon are in real-life Tokyo, I've updated
the Odaiba entry in the Adventure encyc with some photos of
important places from the series.
Now, a bit of personal jazz - starting on the 20th of this month,
I'm going to be a workin' man. I've got a six-month placement at
a local printing shop, where I'll be working with computers and
programs like Photoshop. It's a great opportunity to expand my
skills. But, it's full-time work, five days a week, so odds are
you're not going to see the ol' Digipedia be as hopping with life
as usual. That said, there's not much left to the Tamers encyc
now (as I've said before, Yamaki is the only truly large entry
left to write), and I STILL can't begin the Frontier encyc, as it
has STILL yet to air in the UK. It's fast becoming a pain in my
ass. Anyway, though, there WILL hopefully be some more stuff up
before I start working - specifically, I'll try to update another
letter or two, and I just got "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie"
on DVD today, and I think an OT review of that will be in order
once I've watched it. And also on the OT review front, I think
you can expect to see me salivating over Transformers Armada
Unicron, once he finally arrives. This is the toy Transfans have
waited seventeen years for, and now that I know he's so close to
being in my grasp (it's been two weeks since he was sent, so
it'll not be long before he's here now), I am literally obsessing
over owning him. The anticipation is proving so distracting, I
had actually forgotten it's my own mother's birthday tomorrow
until my dad reminded me. Oy. Come to me, chaos bringer...
Oh, and the Halloween layout will be up soon!
More movie updates! Tamers H-O are now updated
with information from "The Adventurers' Battle" and
"Runaway Digimon Express." Find updates to:
Hata, Seiko
Nonaka, Rumiko
and Otamamon
And find new entries for:
and Omnimon!
Moved the third birthday pic to the fanart page.
Also, I've wound up with an extra copy of the issue of
"Wickid" that contains my story, "Ryo's
Story." If anyone out there would like it, y'all can buy it.
Drop me an e-mail. First come, first served!
Woo-hoo, we passed 400,000 hits today! Onward
and upward!
The Season Four toy list has been updated again, courtesy of
Jonathan Altig, who's filled in the blanks for "mystery
figure #4."
In other news, ARGH. I'm having an e-mail crisis at the mo, as
I'm bombarded with attempts to give me viruses. I had literally
over TWO-HUNDRED pieces of mail to download when I got online
yesterday, each of them with an attachment that made them take a
minute or two. Had another eighty this morning, too... like I
said, argh. Ho hum, my imminent 5th volume of "Neon Genesis
Evangelion" and reissue Transformers Soundwave shall cheer
me up. :)
Happy Birthday, Digimon Encyclopedia!
Entertaining and informing you for three years to the day!
My hand is killing me, because I had to knock that pic out in a
day, but it was worth it - I got a real buzz out of drawing Tai
and Davis again, which I haven't done in a long time, and it's
also the first time I've drawn Takuya. Damn... three years. When
I began the site, I never would've thought I'd have let this
madness go on for that long! Ah, well - here's to another three!
Updated the Season 4 Toy Encyclopedia page with some more stuff about the Crystal Figures included with the most recent sets, courtesy of Ethan Poehlmann. If anyone can add to this, by the way, help would be appreciated! Also, Digimon Battle Spirit's European release has been noted.
You guys ever notice that I seem to get too "into"
whatever new anime I'm watching at any given time? At the minute,
it's "Excel Saga," which is bloody hilarious. Only have
the first volume right now, but it's just another thing for me to
spend money on...
That is all. Go about your business. Site turns 3 on Monday!
Rather than update the Tamers encyc with
"The Adventurers' Battle" first, then go back and do
"Runaway Digimon Express," I've decided to do both at
the same time. And instead of doing all of the encyc, I'm doing
it in chunks. So, Tamers A-G are now updated with info from the
two movies! Dub names are used, even though the movies haven't
been translated. Find updates to:
Digimon Tamers
and Guilmon!
And new entries for:
"The Adventurers' Battle"
and Gulfmon!
More coming soon!
Also, I'm mildly concerned that I may have been virused, so be
wary of any funny-lookin' e-mails that might happen to have my
name on them, 'kay?
"Ryo's Story" has been updated with
the promised "Behind the Scenes" stuff - read the three
script drafts, including my original plot, plus see some artwork
I made!
Also, the mirror main page is up. View it at
- remember to bookmark, so if Angelfire goes down, ya just pop
over there for all the news that's fit!
The site's third birthday is just under two weeks away!
Two big things this week! The Adventure
Encyclopedia is now updated with information from
"Diaboromon Strikes Back." Be aware that American names
are used, even though the movie hasn't been translated. Find new
entries for:
"Diaboromon Strikes Back"
and updates to:
All twelve DigiDestined
All Rookie DigiDestined Digimon, and Gatomon
Kuramon and Diaboromon
DemiVeemon, Poromon and Upamon
ExVeemon, Stingmon and Paildramon
Angemon and Angewomon
"Digimon: The Movie"
Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02
Mode Change
"The Adventurers' Battle" is next, and there's a lot to
do for it!
"Notes For use" for the Tamers encyc are updated to
reflect the movie stuff.
Also, I saw "Return to Highton View Terrace" the other
day for the first time in years, and realised I'd made an error -
Tai and Sora DID know each other when they both lived there. So
I've caught any references to that in the encyc, and more
importantly, the Fanatic's Guide.
Finally, I've heard the main page here's been going down a bit
recently... I guess even just having one page on this sever has
grown to be more than Angelfire can handle. I've grown awfull
attached to this address, though, so rather than move outright,
I'll create a mirror on the Digibros address. Watch for that!
It's Thursday.
It's August 28th.
UK Fox Kids magazine "Wickid" #43 is on the shelves.
And that means..."RYO'S
Click on through, and enjoy this published story that I co-wrote!
It's a big landmark moment - and come back soon, when we'll
hopefully be going beind the scenes, and you can read the various
script drafts to see how it all developed! I'm as giddy as a
freakin' schoolgirl, over here!