Kai Urazoe is Takato’s
cousin, who lives in Okinawa. Energetic and
cheerful, Kai likes to do things at his own pace, but his
"city slicker" cousin sometimes can't manage to keep up
with him.
When visiting Okinawa during the summer, Takato was to stay with
Kai and his grandfather, but they didn't get off to a great
start, as Kai couldn't find him at the airport, and wound up
stumbling into the middle of a television interview with Ryuuji
Tamashiro, president of VP Labs, producers of the V-Pet
craze that was sweeping the globe. Security guards were ready to
eject him and Takato, but Tamashiro went easy on them, taking the
opportunity for a bit of PR, to point out that children were the
On the way to Kai's home, Takato got so exhausted from pushing
the large suitcase that contained the hidden Guilmon
that he fell asleep, and Guilmon had to push him the rest of the
way - coming into contact with Kai in the process. Despite
initial shock, Kai quickly warmed to Guilmon, and took him
fishing while Takato slept. His passive grandfather was happy to
consider Guilmon a strange-looking dog, even though Kai tried to
tell him he wasn't. While on a fishing trip the next day,
however, disaster struck when Kai, Takato and Guilmon encountered
a girl named Minami Uehara, who was being
pursued by a Tylomon, which Guilmon dispatched.
Kai realised that Minami was the daughter of the creator of the
V-Pets. That night, more Digimon attacked Kai's home in search of
Minami, and as Guilmon battled a Scorpiomon, Kai
and Minami fled from a Divermon. Thankfully,
they were saved by Seasarmon, a Digimon who
emerged from the original V-Pet program on Minami's laptop - but
then, Minami was snatched by a Mantaraymon, and
taken to the island base of VP Labs. Kai, Takato, Guilmon and
Seasarmon followed, but as they entered a cave on the island,
their boat was attacked and dragged beneath the waves. Guilmon
and Seasarmon dealt with their attackers, and they all then
entered the lab complex, and freed Minami and her father from her
Digimon captors. However, while they were all escaping, they were
confronted by Ryuuji Tamashiro, who revealed that he was actually
a Digimon - the evil Mephistomon - and was using
V-Pets to plunge Earth's electronics network into chaos. Having
discerned that the V-Pet vaccination program was within
Seasarmon, he attacked him and devolved him into Labramon.
Then, thanks to the intervention of Mephistomon's nemesis, Omnimon,
Rika, Henry and their Digimon
were teleported onto the scene, only to have Mephistomon
transport them all to an illusionary underwater world he had
crafted in the image of mankind's future destruction. There, the
Champion Digimon were apparently able to defeat him, but the
weakened Labramon deleted, releasing the vaccination program and
repairing the damage the V-Pets had done. Mephistomon reappeared
in his Mega form of Gulfmon, but the Champions Digivolved
to Ultimate, and combined their energies into the Trinity Burst
to destroy him.
Months later, when Takato and the other Tamers, their families,
the Hypnos contingent and the Monster Makers
retreated to Tsukuba to plan their final attack
on the D-Reaper, Kai came to visit, unable to just sit
idly by. Talking with Takato on the beach, Kai realised
Takato’s feelings for Jeri, telling him that was why
he was in so much pain. Takato’s parents then arrived, and
Takato received a signal from Henry, telling him that the
time had come. As Takato and Guilmon merged to Gallantmon,
Kai told them that he knew they could do it.
Kai's first appearance is in "Battle
However, in the west, the belated airing of this movie caused his
appearance in the series, in "D-Reaper's
to predate it. In the movie, he is voiced by Yuri Lownethall; in the
series, his voice is supplied by Brian Donovan.
Group: Micro
– Level: In-Training – Attack Technique: Howling Blow
Kapurimon is the In-Training form of Guardromon, the Digimon partner of Kazu. After the defeat of the D-Reaper, the effects of the Juggernaut were felt on the Tamers’ Digimon, who reverted into their In-Training forms and had to return to the Digital World. Guardromon became Kapurimon, and floated through the portal as Kazu called out his goodbye.
Kapurimon appears in “Such Sweet Sorrow.”
Name: From the Japanese word, "kappu," meaning cup, as in the cup-shaped helmet Kapurimon wears.
DigiDestined girl from the animated Digimon television series. When she was recognised on the street by a couple of card-game players, Rika was physically compared to Kari. As seen in “To Fight or Not To Fight.” This comparison was not in the original version of the show. Also, the casting of Lara Jill Miller as Nami Asaji appears to be a production in-joke, based on the fact that Kari, who was also voiced by Miller, wanted to be a teacher when she was older.
Known members of the
Katou family are: Jeri,
her stepbrother, Masahiko, her father, Tadashi, her birth mother
(unnamed) and her stepmother, Shizue.
Tadashi Katou is a man who believes in tough love – but often puts too much emphasis on the “tough” part. He owns and runs a bar, above which he and his family live. In the original planning packet, the Katous profession was to be prostitution, but it's no surprise it did not make it into the series.
Following the death of Jeri’s birth mother early in Jeri’s life, Tadashi met Shizue, and they married. Shizue wanted nothing more than to be close with Jeri, but Jeri felt as though she was trying to replace her mother, and shut her out – though Shizue’s son, Masahiko, developed a good relationship with Jeri, who would entertain him with her puppet. In the planning packet, Masahiko was originally a girl.
The Katou family was first
seen when Jeri became partners with Leomon, and fetched
him a glass of juice from the restaurant. Tadashi warned her not
to spill any, and Masahiko was seen holding Jeri’s puppet in
his sleep. Jeri then had Leomon tell her parents that she was
going into the Digital World with the other Tamers.
Some time later, when Yamaki called
all the children’s parents together, Tadashi silenced
everyone to give Janyu Wong a chance to explain. However,
when the children eventually returned from the Digital World, the
Katous were staying with relatives in East Matsumoto,
and when Riley contacted them to let them known Jeri was
back, Tadashi said that she had got where
she was on her own, so she could just get back on her own,
determined to teach her responsibility. Takato then
accompanied Jeri on a train to Matsumoto, where her family picked
her up at the station.
Masahiko was later seen playing with Calumon, when he fell and hurt himself. Shizue helped him up and told him it was “all better now,” when Jeri appeared and pinned Masahiko down, repeating the phrase over and over. When searching for Jeri later, Shizue discovered she had vanished – Takato and Guilmon soon learned that this was not the real Jeri at all, but one of the D-Reaper’s Agents that had taken her form. Learning that the D-Reaper had the real Jeri held captive, Tadashi and Shizue came to Shinjuku, to the temporary Hypnos headquarters. Rumiko Nonaka talked with Shizue about the difficulties of being a mother after Tadashi apparently stormed out – but in actuality, he commandeered a Hypnos van and drove out to the edge of the D-Reaper’s chaos, searching for Jeri. A Paratice Head emerged and attempted to scan him, but was unable to comprehend the notion of a parent. Tadashi clung to the beast’s tentacle, demanding that it return his daughter, but it flung him to the ground and then attacked him, only to have Gallantmon protect him.
The Katous (except Jeri, of course) first appear in “The Journey Begins.” In the same episode, Jeri's birth mother is seen a in a photograph - the only time her face is shown.
Tadashi’s voice is supplied by Bob Papenbrook.
Shizue’s voice is supplied by Bridgette Hoffman, who also supplies the voice of Jeri herself.
The first noise Masahiko made was a yawn in “Homeward Bound,” which was supplied by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn. In subsequent episodes, his voice is supplied by Dina Sherman.
See Jeri
Kazu Shioda is the Tamer of Guardromon,
as well as being a classmate and friend of Takato. Kazu is
the atypical pre-teen big shot, thinking himself to be the
greatest guy around and talking big a lot of the time, but before
becoming partners with Guardromon, his bark was a lot worse than
his bite. An avid player of the Digimon card game, Kazu
takes delight in playing and defeating his classmates, most
notably his best friend, Kenta. In the original
planning packet, Kazu was named “Hiroki” –
it’s quite likely this was changed and adapted into
“Hirokazu,” his Japanese name, because Hiroki was also
the name of Cody’s father from the previous season of the
Kazu first appeared playing the Digimon card game with Takato, and being beaten by him. He and Kenta then departed for school, and Takato was subsequently late for class when he found a Blue Card. In the evening, Takato tried to tell him and Kenta about the dream he had about Rika, but they didn’t believe him, and ran off after poking fun at him.
The following day, Kazu defeated Kenta in a card game, and then made fun of Takato’s new goggles, before participating in gym class. The next day, Kazu was again seen beating Kenta, and then talked about taking part in the year’s card tournament. A day later, Kazu showed off his newly purchased Modify Cards, and gave Takato a Training Grips one, which he was later able to use in the fight against Gorillamon.
After the soccer field was vandalised, Kazu wasn’t very happy about the prospect of taking a test. When Takato and Henry were trying to think of a partner for Calumon, Takato suggested Kazu, and they watched as he defeated Jeremy’s friend in a card game. Henry didn’t think he was a good choice, as all he didn’t worry about defence. Later, Kazu, Kenta, Jeremy and their friend talked about the mystery kid who was causing trouble for couples in the park, and defended the boys against the accusations of Ayaka.
While playing against Kazu, Takato was able to use the card combo that had defeated IceDevimon to win the match. Kazu demanded a rematch, and Jeri and Miki had a laugh at his and Kenta’s expense. Takato then lost the rematch, and, seeking to save face by revealing that he was a Tamer, took Kazu and Kenta to see Guilmon. Not believing him, Kazu and Kenta went along, and ran off in terror when they saw Guilmon’s glowing eyes. In the planning packet, Kazu was to have been the first of Takato’s friends to accept the existence of a real Digimon, but that honour went to Jeri when Kazu and Kenta ran off. The next day, they refused to believe what they had seen, and didn’t want to hang around with Takato – later still, they insisted they were no longer interested in Digimon, but were drawn to the site of the Tamers’ subsequent battle with Mihiramon, where they realised that Digimon were real, and reconciled with Takato.
Kazu, Kenta and
Jeri then brought a bunch of their friends to the Matsuki
bakery, explaining that they all wanted to meet Guilmon. Takato
took them to the park, where Kazu warned them that Guilmon was
their secret. When Impmon alerted them to the battle with Sandiramon
that was raging in the subway below, Kazu gave Takato a Power
Modify Card to help him out in the fight.
Kazu went on the school camping trip, helping to sneak Guilmon onto the bus, and he and Kenta covered for Takato while he and Henry went out into the woods with the Digimon.
Kazu next appeared playing with Guilmon, Jeri and Kenta in the pond in the park, while the Tamers debated about the Devas. While playing hide-and-seek, Takato and Kazu found themselves hiding alongside a strange boy they had never seen before, who promptly ran away.
The next day, Kazu and Kenta suggested to Takato’s father that he make “Guilmon bread,” but Takato dragged them out of the bakery quickly. Kazu then presented him with a hand-made Blue Card, thinking that it could help him out – when Takato produced his Digivice, the strange boy reappeared and tried to snatch it, before running off again. The three of them then collected the Digimon from the tunnel beneath the park, and met up with the others, before Indramon appeared and began to wreck the city. Kazu and Kenta watched the battle, offering support, advice and Modify Cards, and were spotted in the line of fire by Babel as the Monster Makers observed the conflict. Kazu insisted that Takato use his Blue Card, telling him that he just had to believe, and it would work. The power of Takato’s belief turned it into a real Blue Card, allowing Growlmon to become WarGrowlmon to destroy Indramon.
Some time later, Kazu and Kenta dragged Jeri along with them to the park while they were looking for Takato. They eavesdropped on a conversation between the three Tamers, wishing that they could be Tamers too, then left Jeri to go after them when they left.
Later, while in the park with Kazu and Kenta, Kazu showed off his Digi-Modification moves. Jeri then arrived, and asked for them to teach her how to play the card game. Kazu and Kenta were shocked by the number of cards she had, and were more interested in getting her to trade. As the evening settled in, the mysterious boy appeared again, and they called chased after him, to try and get him to talk. However, during the pursuit, Vikaralamon Bio-Emerged, drawing the three Tamers into a battle, as Takato instructed Kazu, Kenta and Jeri to protect Calumon. As Hypnos reactivated the Juggernaut, the trio were confronted by the strange boy once more, who revealed his true identity – Makuramon, the monkey Deva! Makuramon deactivated the Juggernaut, as they related this development to the Tamers, prompting Takato to combine his strength with WarGrowlmon, who destroyed Vikaralamon. Makuramon, however, snatched Calumon from Jeri’s hands, and disappeared into the Digital World, leaving the Tamers one option – to follow.
Kazu joined in with Takato, Kenta and Jeri
in deliberately getting detention, then writing an essay which
explained to Miss Asaji what they were planning to do. The
day after, they all met in the park, and travelled to the Digital
World through the portal in Guilmon’s hideaway. Kazu and
Kenta then planted Takato’s Tamers flag. A
bit later, Renamon stopped them from running away when
some Digital Tumbleweed rolled by. Kazu and Kenta both
thought that Meramon would be a great partner, and then
managed to sleep through the Jagamon stampede,
uprooting one of the Jagamon the following morning.
While walking on through the desert, the group was split up when Kazu, Kenta, Rika and Renamon were swept up by a Data Stream, and deposited in valley, where they passed out, to awake some time later. The dub removed a scene where Rika kicked Kazu to wake him, which resulted in him rolling over on top of Kenta and accidentally kissing him on the cheek. A wind storm then blew them through the front door of Jijimon and Babamon’s home, who welcomed them in and cooked them dinner. Kazu and Kenta then took a bath, and sang a... er... manly tune, which Jijimon clapped along with. That night, Kazu and Kenta overheard Jijimon and Babamon giving thanks for their visit, and then gave thanks themselves for their hospitality. As they prepared to leave the next day, Kazu and Kenta suggested to Jijimon and Babamon that they become partners, but the couple got the wrong end of the stick, thinking that they would be the Tamers, and Kazu and Kenta would be the Digimon. They played along for a while, mock-fighting each other as BlackWarKazumon and MegaMightyKentamon, before Rika and Renamon broke it up, and took them to the hang-glider they had constructed to get them out of the valley. Jijimon and Babamon almost dragged them down, but fell off the glider.
They made it back to the flag, and waited to see if Takato and the others would show up, to no avail. Rika went looking with Renamon, but Kazu and Kenta followed – and they were all scooped up by another Data Steam, and wound up in an area of clockwork and clouds. When Rika un-jammed a clock, Clockmon and Hagurumon popped up too late to stop them, as Megadramon emerged. Kyubimon was unable to defeat him, but then Cyberdramon appeared and felled Megadramon, and had to be restrained by his Tamer, Ryo. When Cyberdramon was back under control and the clock was jammed up again, Kazu and Kenta recognised Ryo as the famous card player who won the previous year’s tournament on Earth. The praise the duo subsequently heaped upon Ryo irritated Rika to the point where she upped and left with Kyubimon in the middle of the night.
Ryo took Kazu and Kenta to the warped, black-and-white region of the Digital World, where they met up with Takato and the others again, and spent the night in a castle, before returning to the desert plain in the morning. On the way back to the flag, Leomon told Kazu and Kenta he was sure they’d get partners eventually.
After Takato, Henry and
Terriermon were taken from the group by another Data Steam, the
rest of the group fell through a warp into an area of forests and
lakes, where they witnessed a battle between Orochimon and
Andromon. They took the injured Andromon to the Gekomon
village nearby, where Kazu convinced the Gekomon to help them, by
giving them data packets from the drinks they made for Orochimon
to heal his injuries, causing him to De-Digivolve into Guardromon.
Orochimon suddenly reappeared and snatched Jeri – while
everyone pursued, Kazu remained behind to take care of
Guardromon. Guardromon then formulated a plan to rescue Jeri
– everyone hid inside the drink casks as the Gekomon
delivered them to Orochimon’s island, and burst out to
attack the villain. Jeri slashed a LadyDevimon Modify Card and
Leomon destroyed Orochimon with Darkness Wave, and then, as
everyone celebrated, a D-Power appeared for Kazu – he
and Guardromon were partners!
The team returned to the desert plain again, and heard Takato’s voice through a Data Steam, which they were able to ride to the site of Rapidmon’s battle with Beelzemon. In the ensuing conflict, Beelzemon killed Leomon, and Kazu attempted to pull Jeri out of the danger zone, but she refused to let him touch her. After Guilmon became Megidramon, Beelzemon defeated him and turned on Kazu and Kenta, but then turned to attack Takato – but Megidramon reverted to Guilmon, and then and Takato Biomerged into Gallantmon! Kazu and Kenta searched for Takato, not realising he had merged with Guilmon. Guardromon faced off with Beelzemon, but was simply kicked aside, then carried Kazu and Kenta to safety, after Kenta realised that Takato was a part of Gallantmon. When Beelzemon got the upper hand and was about to finish Gallantmon, Kazu had Guardromon open fire on him with his Guardian Barrage, giving Gallantmon a chance to recover, and take Beelzemon down – but Jeri stopped him from destroying him.
When the group arrived at the Digimon Sovereign’s castle, Takato suggested that the forlorn Jeri remain outside. Kazu and Kenta took the opportunity to keep out of danger by suggesting that they stay behind and look after her, and Suzie as well – although Kazu was a bit irked when he discovered that Guardromon had just watched Suzie be flown to the castle by her Digivice. After the battle between the others and Zhuqiaomon was broken up by Azulongmon, Guardromon flew Kazu, Kenta and Jeri to the battleground, where Azulongmon explained the true nature of the conflict – the Sovereigns needed Calumon’s power to defend themselves against the D-Reaper.
When everyone went to rescue Calumon from
the pit he was being held in, they met up with Ryo again, much to
Kazu and Kenta’s excitement. Rika and Renamon ventured into
the pit, and were followed by Ryo and Cyberdramon. Kazu hit upon
the notion of abseiling down the pit walls on Azulongmon’s
beard, but the effort was not needed, as Rika and Renamon Biomerged into Sakuyamon
and beat the D-Reaper’s chaos back.
Azulongmon returned the kids and Digimon to the desert plain for them to wait for the ark being sent by the Monster Makers to bring them back to Earth. On the return trip, Kazu accused Rika of being out of her mind for going back to bring Impmon with them, but was then distracted by the appearance of Kenta’s partner, MarineAngemon. The ark Bio-Emerged in Shinjuku Park, where Kenta was greeted with a bop on the head from his father.
The adventure was not over, however, as the D-Reaper pursued the Tamers back to Earth, and began to spread across Shinjuku. As Gallantmon, Sakuyamon and MegaGargomon confronted it, Kazu saw the battle on TV, and he and Guardromon went to join in the effort. While Sakuyamon and MegaGargomon entered the D-Reaper’s chaos to rescue Gallantmon, Guardromon helped Justimon battle a Horn Striker, saving him at one point by blowing up a hunk of debris. After the battle was won, Kazu related to Kenta how he had single-handedly saved the day, of course.
Kazu and his parents gathered together with all the other Tamers and their family members at the temporary Hypnos base, and observed as Henry’s father and Tally studied the original D-Reaper program. He and Guardromon then helped to destroy the Paratice Head that attacked Jeri’s father.
After it was deduced that
Jeri was being held in the Kernel Sphere, Kazu, Kenta and
their Digimon battled with a large squad of Bubbles, but
were seriously outnumbered – the timely arrival of Antylamon
saved them.
Kazu was not seen in Tsukuba with the other Tamers – when he next appeared, he, Kenta and their Digimon were seen in the streets of Shinjuku, destroying a Paratice Head, and being confronted by a police helicopter. They were informed they were under arrest, but it was not shown how they got out of it. Kazu and Kenta then met up with Lopmon, who had made it to Shinjuku on her own, and, after MegaGargomon activated the Juggernaut, MarineAngemon took Kazu, Kenta, Lopmon and Guardromon into the chaos inside one of his bubbles, then carried everyone out, to safety, as the D-Reaper was pulled back into the Digital World and devolved it into a harmless state. But the end did not come without a price, as the effects of the Juggernaut were felt on the Digimon, who were reverted to their In-Training forms and had to return to the Digital World.
As Takato summarised the following months, Kazu was seen with Kenta, Jeri, Miki and Taizou in the playground. Later, however, Takato discovered a portal to the Digital World, which allowed Kazu and the other Tamers to be reunited with their Digimon. Months later, when Locomon appeared in Tokyo, Kazu was sorting his cards with Guardromon when the mechanical beast began his charge towards an opening rift between the real and Digital World at Ichigaya station. The duo met up with Kenta, MarineAngemon and Guilmon, and headed onward on foot, before running into Henry and Lopmon. Using Guardromon's jets for propulsion, they used an abandoned rail car to catch up to Locomon, who Takato, Rika and Renamon had already boarded. It was revealed that the evil Parasimon had taken over Locomon's mind, and had set him on this course, prompting Takato and Guilmon to Biomerge and destroy the spider-like creature - but not before he sent a signal into the rift, that summoned a huge swarm of his kind to Earth. Guardromon was able to destroy a few Parasimon, then Gallantmon assumed his Crimson Mode and destroyed them all. Kazu and Guardromon then attended Rika's birthday party, where Kazu and Ryo talked about the responsibility of being a Tamer.
Kazu first appears in “Guilmon Comes Alive.” His voice is supplied by Brad MacDonald. Contrary to the belief of quite a few, the symbol on Kazu’s shirt, while bearing a passing resemblance to it, is not the Crest of Reliability.
Digimon Tamers episode #26
English Version written by Seth Walther
Kazu, Kenta, Rika and Renamon are separated from the other Tamers by a Data Stream, and are blown through the front door of Jijimon and Babamon’s house. The two old Digimon welcome them in, and after the group spends the night, Kazu and Kenta suggest that Jijimon and Babamon become their partners – but the couple think that they’ll be the Tamers, and Kazu and Kenta will be their Digimon, BlackWarKazumon and MegaMightyKentamon!
Episode Trivia – The title of this episode is a reference to the 1989 cult hit movie, "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.” This episode is the favourite of director Mary Elizabeth McGlynn.
Digimon Tamers episode #31
English version written by Seth Walther
The remaining Tamers and Digimon wind up on the forest plain of the Digital World, where they witness a battle between Andromon and Orochimon. They take the injured Andromon to a Gekomon village, where they discover that the Gekomon who live there have been enslaved by Orochimon to mix drinks for him. Andromon De-Digivolves into Guardromon, but then Jeri is kidnapped by Orochimon, Guardromon formulates a plan top rescue her. Everyone hides inside the drinks barrels as they are delivered to Orochimon’s island, where Jeri swipes a LadyDevimon Modify Card and Leomon uses Darkness Wave to destroy the villain. As everyone celebrates, a D-Power appears for Kazu – he and Guardromon are partners!
Kenta Kitagawa is the Tamer of MarineAngemon,
and a classmate and friend of Takato. For lack of better
terminology, Kenta is the ‘sidekick’ of his best
friend, Kazu, always hanging around him, and acting as if
he is in someway involved in the card game matches Kazu plays.
Kenta does play the card game himself, but is apparently not very
good at it. A touch on the nerdy side, Kenta is the butt of a lot
of Kazu’s jokes, but it’s all in good fun, and the two
perpetually remain good friends and a comedy double-act. Kenta
was not in the original planning packet. After his character was
created, it was not initially planned for him to become a Tamer,
which is why he does not appear in the group shot of the Tamers
holding their Digivices aloft in the credits.
Kenta first appeared watching Kazu play the Digimon card game with Takato. After Kazu lost, the two of them then departed for school, and Takato was subsequently late for class when he found a Blue Card. In the evening, Takato tried to tell him and Kazu about the dream he had about Rika, but they didn’t believe him, and ran off after poking fun at him.
The following day, Kenta was defeated by Kazu in a card game before participating in gym class. The next day, Kenta had a discussion with Kazu about the years’ card tournament, telling him there was no way he could beat “the Digimon queen.” A day later, Kenta was with Kazu when he showed off his newly purchased Modify Cards to Takato.
Kenta was seen in the crowd looking at the vandalised soccer field, and was watching as Kazu defeated Jeremy’s friend in a card game. Later, Kenta, Kazu, Jeremy and their friend talked about the mystery kid who was causing trouble for couples in the park.
While playing against Kazu, Takato was able to use the card combo that had defeated IceDevimon to win the match. Kazu and Kenta strong-armed him into a rematch, and Jeri and Miki had a laugh at their expense. Takato then lost the rematch, and, seeking to save face by revealing that he was a Tamer, took Kenta and Kazu to see Guilmon. Not believing him, the duo went along, and ran off in terror when they saw Guilmon’s glowing eyes. The next day, they refused to believe what they had seen, and didn’t want to hang around with Takato – later still, they insisted they were no longer interested in Digimon, but were drawn to the site of the Tamers’ subsequent battle with Mihiramon, where they realised that Digimon were real, and reconciled with Takato.
Kenta, Kazu and Jeri then brought a bunch of their friends to the Matsuki bakery, explaining that they all wanted to meet Guilmon. Takato took them to the park, where they spent most of the day playing with Guilmon, until Impmon alerted them to the battle with Sandiramon that was raging in the subway below, and Takato and Guilmon left to join the fight.
went on the school camping trip, helping to sneak Guilmon onto
the bus. Kenta proceeded to “entertain” the busload of
kids with his “singing,” and later, he and Kenta
covered for Takato while he and Henry went out into the
woods with the Digimon.
When Kenta received a peculiar Modify Card in trade from Jeremy, he gave it to Henry, thinking it was fake – but Henry discovered that it was actually a Blue Card.
Kenta next appeared playing with Guilmon, Jeri and Kazu in the pond in the park, while the Tamers debated about the Devas. During a game of hide-and-seek, a mysterious boy appeared, but then promptly ran away.
The next day, Kenta and Kazu suggested to Takato’s father that he make “Guilmon bread,” but Takato dragged them out of the bakery quickly, and, as they walked through the park, Kazu then presented him with a hand-made Blue Card, thinking that it could help him out – when Takato produced his Digivice, the strange boy reappeared and tried to snatch it, before running off again. The three of them then collected the Digimon from the tunnel beneath the park, and met up with the others, before Indramon appeared and began to wreck the city. Kenta and Kazu watched the battle, offering support, advice and Modify Cards, and were spotted in the line of fire by Babel as the Monster Makers observed the conflict. Despite Kenta’s pointing out that it wasn’t real, Kazu insisted that Takato use his Blue Card, telling him that he just had to believe, and it would work. The power of Takato’s belief turned it into a real Blue Card, allowing Growlmon to become WarGrowlmon to destroy Indramon.
Some time later, Kenta and Kazu dragged Jeri along with them to the park while they were looking for Takato. They eavesdropped on a conversation between the three Tamers, wishing that they could be Tamers too, then left Jeri to go after them when they left.
Later, while Kenta, Kazu and Takato were in the park, Jeri arrived and asked for them to teach her how to play the card game, but Kenta and Kazu were shocked by the number of cards she had, and were more interested in getting her to trade. As the evening settled in, Kenta realised that the mysterious boy had appeared again, and they called chased after him, to try and get him to talk. However, during the pursuit, Vikaralamon Bio-Emerged, drawing the three Tamers into a battle, as Takato instructed Kazu, Kenta and Jeri to protect Calumon. As Hypnos reactivated the Juggernaut, the trio were confronted by the strange boy once more, who revealed his true identity – Makuramon, the monkey Deva! Makuramon deactivated the Juggernaut, as they related this development to the Tamers, prompting Takato to combine his strength with WarGrowlmon, who destroyed Vikaralamon. Makuramon, however, snatched Calumon from Jeri’s hands, and disappeared into the Digital World, leaving the Tamers one option – to follow.
Kenta was the last to join in with Takato, Kazu and Jeri in deliberately getting detention, then writing an essay which explained to Miss Asaji what they were planning to do. The day after, Kenta simply left his parents a note to tell him where he was going, and they all met in the park, and travelled to the Digital World through the portal in Guilmon’s hideaway. Kenta and Kazu then planted Takato’s Tamers flag, and Kenta took a selection of photos with his digital camera, only to discover that they did not come out as the device did not function properly in the Digital World. A bit later, Renamon stopped them from running away when some Digital Tumbleweed rolled by. The duo both thought that Meramon would be a great partner, and then managed to sleep through the Jagamon stampede, uprooting one of the Jagamon the following morning.
walking on through the desert, the group was split up when Kenta,
Kazu, Rika and Renamon were swept up by a Data Stream, and
deposited in valley, where they passed out, to awake some time
later. The dub removed a scene where Rika kicked Kazu to wake
him, which resulted in him rolling over on top of Kenta and
accidentally kissing him on the cheek. A wind storm then blew
them through the front door of Jijimon and Babamon’s
home, who welcomed them in and cooked them dinner. Kenta and Kazu
then took a bath, and sang a... er... manly tune, which Jijimon
clapped along with. That night, they overheard Jijimon and
Babamon giving thanks for their visit, and then gave thanks
themselves for their hospitality. As they prepared to leave the
next day, Kenta and Kazu suggested to Jijimon and Babamon that
they become partners, but the couple got the wrong end of the
stick, thinking that they would be the Tamers, and Kenta and Kazu
would be the Digimon. They played along for a while,
mock-fighting each other as MegaMightyKentamon and
BlackWarKazumon, before Rika and Renamon broke it up, and
took them to the hang-glider they had constructed to get them out
of the valley. Jijimon and Babamon almost dragged them down, but
fell off the glider.
They made it back to the flag, and waited to see if Takato and the others would show up, to no avail. Rika went looking with Renamon, but Kenta and Kazu followed – and they were all scooped up by another Data Steam, and wound up in an area of clockwork and clouds. When Rika un-jammed a clock, Clockmon and Hagurumon popped up too late to stop them, as Megadramon emerged. Kyubimon was unable to defeat him, but then Cyberdramon appeared and felled Megadramon, and had to be restrained by his Tamer, Ryo. When Cyberdramon was back under control and the clock was jammed up again, Kenta and Kazu recognised Ryo as the famous card player who won the previous year’s tournament on Earth. The praise the duo subsequently heaped upon Ryo irritated Rika to the point where she upped and left with Kyubimon in the middle of the night.
Ryo took Kenta and Kazu to the warped, black-and-white region of the Digital World, where they met up with Takato and the others again, and spent the night in a castle. Kenta was woken by the sound of Knightmon shambling down the hall, and woke everyone else with his screaming, before Ryo assured him he was harmless. They returned to the desert plain the next day, and Ryo and Cyberdramon left the group after the battle with Majiramon. On the way back to the flag, Leomon told Kenta and Kazu he was sure they’d get partners eventually.
After Takato, Henry and Terriermon were
taken from the group by another Data Steam, the rest of the group
were wandering through the
desert, when Kenta suggested to Guilmon that he could become his
partner, before they all fell through a warp into an area of
forests and lakes, where they witnessed a battle between Orochimon
and Andromon. They took the injured Andromon to the Gekomon
village nearby, where they used data packets to heal his
injuries, causing him to De-Digivolve into Guardromon.
Orochimon suddenly reappeared and snatched Jeri, and Guardromon
then formulated a plan to rescue Jeri – everyone hid inside
the drink casks as the Gekomon delivered them to Orochimon’s
island, and burst out to attack the villain. Jeri slashed a
LadyDevimon Modify Card and Leomon destroyed Orochimon with
Darkness Wave, and then, as everyone celebrated, a D-Power
appeared for Kazu – he and Guardromon were partners!
The team returned to the desert plain again, and heard Takato’s voice through a Data Steam, which they were able to ride to the site of Rapidmon’s battle with Beelzemon. In the ensuing conflict, Beelzemon killed Leomon, and Takato’s rage made Guilmon became Megidramon. Beelzemon defeated him and turned on Kenta and Kazu, but then turned to attack Takato – but Megidramon reverted to Guilmon, and then and Takato Biomerged into Gallantmon! Kenta and Kazu searched for Takato, not realising he had merged with Guilmon. Guardromon faced off with Beelzemon, but was simply kicked aside, and then, when Gallantmon shielded Kenta from Beelzemon’s attack, Kenta realised that Takato was a part of Gallantmon. Gallantmon was able to defeat Beelzemon, but Jeri stopped him from destroying him, not wishing to see any more death.
When the group arrived at the Digimon Sovereign’s castle, Takato suggested that the forlorn Jeri remain outside, and Kenta and Kazu took the opportunity to keep out of danger by suggesting that they stay behind and look after her, and Suzie as well. After the battle between the others and Zhuqiaomon was broken up by Azulongmon, Guardromon flew Kenta, Kazu and Jeri to the battleground, where Azulongmon explained the true nature of the conflict – the Sovereigns needed Calumon’s power to defend themselves against the D-Reaper.
After Calumon had been rescued, the
Sovereigns guided him in releasing the light of the Shining
Digivolution, which created many Mega level Digimon all
across the Digital World. The Megas all converged on the
Sovereign’s plain, and a MarineAngemon crash-landed
near Kenta, and took quite a liking to him. Kenta though he was
lost, and tossed him back up into the air to help him get flying
Azulongmon then returned the kids and Digimon to the desert plain for them to wait for the ark being sent by the Monster Makers to bring them back to Earth. On the return trip, Kenta was shocked when a D-Power emerged from his pocket, followed by MarineAngemon – they were, in fact, partners! The ark Bio-Emerged in Shinjuku Park, where the tearful Kenta was greeted by his parents.
The adventure was not over, however, as the D-Reaper pursued the Tamers back to Earth, and began to spread across Shinjuku. As Gallantmon, Sakuyamon and MegaGargomon confronted it, Kenta saw the battle on TV, and he and MarineAngemon went to join in the effort. When he arrived in Shinjuku, however, he had no idea where to go, until he saw MegaGargomon fly by overhead. He followed Sakuyamon and MegaGargomon into the D-Reaper’s chaos to rescue Gallantmon, where MarineAngemon fended off the Jeri Type Agent and healed Sakuyamon with his Kahuna Waves.
Kenta and his parents gathered together with all the other Tamers and their family members at the temporary Hypnos base, and observed as Henry’s father and Tally studied the original D-Reaper program.
After it was deduced that Jeri was being held in the Kernel Sphere, Kenta, Kazu and their Digimon battled with a large squad of Bubbles, but were seriously outnumbered – the timely arrival of Antylamon saved them.
Kenta was not seen in Tsukuba
with the other Tamers – when he next appeared, he, Kazu and
their Digimon were seen in the streets of Shinjuku, destroying a
Paratice Head, and being confronted by a police helicopter. They
were informed they were under arrest, but it was not shown how
they got out of it. Kenta and Kazu then met up with Lopmon,
who had made it to Shinjuku on her own, and, after MegaGargomon
activated the Juggernaut, MarineAngemon took Kenta, Kazu, Lopmon
and Guardromon into the chaos inside one of his bubbles, then
carried everyone out, to safety, as the D-Reaper was pulled back
into the Digital World and devolved it into a harmless state. But
the end did not come without a price, as the Digimon were
reverted to their In-Training forms and had to return to the
Digital World, or would be cut off from it and would perish.
As Takato summarised the following months, Kenta was seen with Kazu, Jeri, Miki and Taizou in the playground. Later, however, Takato discovered a portal to the Digital World, which allowed Kenta and the other Tamers to be reunited with their Digimon. Months later, when Locomon appeared in Tokyo, Kenta and MarineAngemon were out shopping for present for Rika's upcoming birthday party when the mechanical beast began his charge towards an opening rift between the real and Digital World at Ichigaya station. The duo met up with Kazu, Guardromon and Guilmon, and headed onward on foot, before running into Henry and Lopmon. As they used an abandoned rail car to catch up to Locomon, who Takato, Rika and Renamon had already boarded, it was revealed that the evil Parasimon had taken over Locomon's mind, and had set him on this course, prompting Takato and Guilmon to Biomerge and destroy the spider-like creature - but not before he sent a signal into the rift, that summoned a huge swarm of his kind to Earth. MarineAngemon was able to destroy a few Parasimon, then Gallantmon assumed his Crimson Mode and destroyed them all. Kenta and MarineAngemon then attended Rika's birthday party.
Kenta first appears in “Guilmon Comes Alive.” His voice is supplied by Steven Jay Blum, who was originally simply given the role on the fly during a recording for Yamaki, unaware that he would become a more important character later.
The Kernel
Sphere is the D-Reaper’s
“brain” – a kernel of consciousness somehow
camouflaged from the naked eye, suspended between the two towers
of the Hypnos building as the D-Reaper began it’s
spread across the city. While walking the city streets, Calumon
sensed the presence of Jeri nearby, and he and Beelzemon
uncovered the Kernel Sphere and discovered that Jeri was being
held inside, only to become trapped within themselves.
When the Monster Makers deduced this fact, the Tamers attacked the sphere, trying to free Jeri, but the D-Reaper Ball and the Gatekeeper were created to protect it. After a drawn-out battle, Grani was able to destroy the D-Reaper Ball with it’s Yuggoth Blaster, and Beelzemon then used Leomon’s Fist of the Beast King attack to shatter the Kernel Sphere – but Jeri was too terrified to take the hand of the being who had killed her partner, and the sphere regenerated, sealing her inside again.
When the D-Reaper evolved into the Mother D-Reaper, the Kernel Sphere was located in the centre of the creature’s “face.” As the Digimon struggled with the D-Reaper’s Agents in final battle, Jeri finally came to the realisation that she had the ability to change her destiny, and light from her reactivated Digivice cracked the Kernel Sphere, but chaos began to flood in. The D-Reaper was then sucked back into the Digital World and devolved into a harmless state by the Juggernaut program, and Jeri was rescued by Takato.
The Kernel Sphere first appears in “When Is A Mon Justimon?”
Known members of the Kitagawa family are: Kenta, his father Shiyunsuke, and his mother Akemi.
Kenta’s parents made
their first appearance when Yamaki called all the
kids’ parents together to explain to
about Digimon and the Digital World. Mrs. Kitagawa
was distraught, while her husband consoled her.
The Kitagawas were in Shinjuku Park when the ark created by the Monster Makers Bio-Emerged, bringing the kids home. Some time later, Kenta’s mother was searching for him around the house to tell him she’d made a snack for him, but he had already left to help join in the battle against the D-Reaper. The Kitagawas then joined up with the other kids’ family members in the temporary Hypnos base.
The Kitagawas first appear in “Shibumi Speaks.”
Mr. Kitagawa is voiced by Dan Lorge.
Mrs. Kitagawa is voiced by Tifanie
See Kenta
Group: Ancient Bird - Level: Champion - Type: Data - Attack Techniques: Pummel Peck, High Jumping Kick
When Suzie was pulled into the Digital World, after chasing a Tapirmon and some DigiGnomes, she took off her coat, and hung it on what she thought was a rock, only to have a Kiwimon emerge from behind it with her coat on it’s beak. Suzie demanded that it come back with it, and, after shaking the coat off, the Kiwimon hit the ground in front of her with a Pummel Peck before laughing and running off.
Months later, when Locomon returned to the Digital World after the Parasimon conflict on Earth, a Kiwimon was among the Digimon seen on the desert plain as he drove through.
A Kiwimon first appears in “Rabbit Transit.”
Name: From “kiwi,” a type of
small, flightless bird native to New Zealand.
Group: Warrior - Level: Ultimate - Type: Data - Attack Techniques: Berserk Sword, Armour Knife
Knightmon patrols the corridors of a castle on the Digital World’s black-and-white plain nightly. When the Tamers spent the night there, Kenta was distressed at the sight of him, but Ryo explained that he was harmless if they stayed out of his way.
Knightmon appears in “Goliath.”
Name: From “knight,” a medieval armoured warrior.
Group: Machine -
Level: Rookie - Type: Data - Attack Techniques: Mini Scissor
Claws, Mini Electro Shocker
A Kokuwamon was among the Digimon who Bio-Emerged
when Mephistomon used V-Pets to
plunge Earth's computer network into chaos. Kokuwamon
materialised through a medical operation room's heart monitor,
but was soon dispatched by the activation of the vaccine program
within Labramon.
Kokuwamon appears in "Battle of Adventurers."
Name: From the Japanese word, "ko," meaning
"baby," and "kuwagatamushi," meaning
"stag beetle."
Group: Exalted Beast – Level:
Ultimate – Type: Vaccine – Attack Techniques: Deva
Clone, Treasure Pestle
Kumbhiramon is the rat Deva, who appeared in the middle of Shinjuku Park to menace Jeri and Calumon. Jeri at first thought he might be her partner, but Kumbhiramon dispelled that notion, and pursued the hapless duo through the park. He faced off with them in a fountain, but got blown through the air by a water jet, when a Leomon Bio-Emerged and hurled him clear across the park. Jeri believed that Leomon was her partner, and when she was chasing him around the park, Kumbhiramon reappeared. Kumbhiramon used his Deva Clone technique, creating five more duplicates of himself, who all began to attack Leomon, who was helped out by Gargomon. When Leomon saw that Jeri was crying because her Digi-Modify attempt had failed, he used his Fist of the Beast King to wipe out the duplicates, then destroyed Kumbhiramon with a slash of his sword.
Kumbhiramon appears in “Jeri’s Quest.” His voice is supplied by Joshua Seth.
Name: From Kumbhira, one of the twelve Devas from Sanskrit.
Later, the principal was perplexed by the graffiti on the soccer field, which had been caused by Calumon. After a Vilemon Bio-Emerged there, and the field was wrecked during his battle with the Tamers, the principal was suitably distraught once again.
The principal first appears in “Digimon, Digimon Everywhere.” His voice is supplied by Tom Wyner.
Group: Micro
– Level: In-Training – Attack Technique: Koko Crusher
Kokomon is the In-Training form of Lopmon, the Digimon partner of Suzie. After the defeat of the D-Reaper, the effects of the Juggernaut were felt on the Tamers’ Digimon, who reverted into their In-Training forms and had to return to the Digital World, or they would be cut off from it and would die. Lopmon became Kokomon, and floated through the portal as Suzie tearfully said goodbye.
Kokomon appears in “Such Sweet Sorrow.”
Name: Phonetic representation of “cocoa,” the bean from which chocolate is made (in keeping with his original Japanese name, which was simply “Chocomon”). Suzie’s Kokomon is actually brown, as all Bandai materials show, unlike the Kokomon in “Digimon: The Movie,” which was pink, so a name related to chocolate actually makes sense here.
Group: Mythical Animal – Level:
Champion – Type: Data – Attack Techniques: Fox Tail
Inferno, Dragon Wheel
Kyubimon is the Digivolved form of Renamon, the Digimon partner of Rika. Graceful yet powerful, Kyubimon can shoot bolts of blue fire from the flaming tips of each of her nine tails, and can also summon a powerful coiling stream of the same by whirling her body around.
Rika was at first unable to make Renamon Digivolve because she did not truly understand how to. When they were battling Dokugumon, Renamon stepped in front of one of the spider’s attacks, taking the full force of the blast to protect Rika. She collapsed, and Rika cried out her name, not wanting her to leave her – which activated her Digivice, and, coupled with a dose of Calumon’s powers, caused her to Digivolve into Kyubimon. Kyubimon sent Dokugumon’s web up in flame with her Fox Tail Inferno, then used her Dragon Wheel to destroy the spider, and loaded it’s data. She and Rika returned home, and she later De-Digivolved back into Renamon.
Kyubimon next appeared during the battle with IceDevimon. Renamon was no match for the frozen felon, but Rika did not want her to Digivolve because she feared she would end up like IceDevimon. When IceDevimon demanded to know why Rika cared for Renamon, Rika responded that it was because Renamon was her friend, which prompted Renamon’s Digivolution into Kyubimon – but even she could not defeat IceDevimon, and was felled by his Avalanche Claw. Guilmon then defeated IceDevimon using a Modify Card combo. As a result of this conflict, Rika came to the conclusion that she hated all Digimon, and she and Renamon separated, but, when Renamon was battling Harpymon, Rika came to her aid, stabbing the creature in the back with a pointed stick. Harpymon turned on Rika, and Renamon became Kyubimon, and quickly and easily felled Harpymon with her Fox Tail Inferno, but did not load her data, because her partnership with Rika meant she no longer needed to.
Kyubimon’s next battle was against Mihiramon, the first of the Devas, but she could not compete with him, and was knocked from the top of the Hypnos towers, reverting to Renamon and crashing down to ground level.
Rika and Renamon were the first to face off against Sandiramon, and Renamon became Kyubimon to battle him, pursuing him through the subway tunnels. The fight was soon joined by Gargomon, but it took the arrival of Growlmon, and the combination of all of their powers to bring the snake down.
During the battle with Vajramon, after she had obtained information from him about the Digimon Sovereign, Renamon Digivolved into Kyubimon, but did not have the power to go up against the ox Deva. When a Blue Card appeared in Rika’s hand, Kyubimon was able to Matrix Digivolve into Taomon for the first time to destroy Vajramon with her Talisman of Light.
At some point between this event and the Bio-Emergence of Vikaralamon, Renamon Digivolved into Kyubimon to battle a BlueMeramon that appeared in the city, as a result of the disruption of Earth's computer network by V-Pets. Rika and Kyubimon were then contacted by Omnimon, guardian of the both real and the digital worlds, and teleported to Takato's side at the island base of VP Labs, the company that produced the V-Pets, where the preisdent, Ryuuji Tamashiro, had revealed himself to be a Digimon, Mephistomon, and was the one responsible for the chaos wreaked by the V-Pets. Mephistomon transported all the Tamers and Digimon to an illusionary underwater world he had crafted in the image of mankind's future destruction, where Kyubimon and the other champions apparently managed to defeat him by bringing the wreck of a cruise ship down on him in a fireball. He re-emerged, however, in his Mega form of Gulfmon, and Kyubimon became Taomon, combining her energies with the other Ultimates to form the Trinity Burst attack, which destroyed Gulfmon.
Renamon became Kyubimon during the first battle with Indramon, which was cut short when he departed after the Juggernaut was activated. Kyubimon spent the night in the tunnel beneath the park, and had reverted to Renamon by the next day, but then became Kyubimon again when Indramon reappeared. Even the combined powers of the three Champions could not take the horse Deva down, however – it took Growlmon Digivolving to WarGrowlmon to destroy the villain.
Kyubimon appeared again when Vikaralamon was wrecking the city, but the pig didn’t even acknowledge their attacks. The Tamers realised how to summon Blue Cards, and Kyubimon became Taomon to join the other Ultimates in battle.
Kyubimon didn’t appear again until the Tamers were in the Digital World, searching for Calumon, who had been captured by the Devas. When Rika, Renamon, Kazu and Kenta became separated from the rest of the group, they found themselves in an area of clockwork and clouds, where they were confronted by Megadramon. Renamon became Kyubimon to battle him, but was quickly defeated. The legendary Tamer, Ryo, then appeared, with his partner, Cyberdramon, and defeated Megadramon – the praise Kazu and Kenta then heaped upon Ryo irritated Rika to the point where she and Kyubimon left on their own in the middle of the night. Kyubimon reverted to Renamon, and they later found themselves in a forest, where Rika was swept away in a river, but was pulled out by Calumon. They and Renamon were then hit by a wave of water which washed them back to the desert plain – Renamon Digivolved into Kyubimon to snatch Rika and Calumon out of the air and ensure a soft landing, and then carried them back to the point where they had planted the Tamers’ flag. When Beelzemon then appeared, it was Kyubimon who realised that he was Impmon’s Digivolved form, and Digivolved into Taomon to battle him, but the conflict was interrupted by the re-activation of the unstable Juggernaut, which led to Takato, Henry and Terriermon being separated from the group by a Data Stream. Renamon became Kyubimon to carry Rika and Jeri around while they searched for them, eventually following the sound of Takato’s voice through another Data Steam, which led them to the site of Beelzemon’s battle with Rapidmon. Kyubimon was defended from Beelzemon by Guardromon, and when Beelzemon tried to run the robot down on his motorcycle, Kyubimon tackled him and sent them both sprawling. She knocked his guns from his hands with her Dragon Wheel, but then collapsed – Beelzemon prepared to destroy her with his Darkness Claw, but was restrained by Leomon, and then stabbed him through the chest, killing him. Takato’s rage made WarGrowlmon Digivolved into Megidramon, and, as Beelzemon battled him, Kyubimon became Taomon to join in the effort – however, Beelzemon trapped them within Makuramon’s Primal Orb, and absorbed their energy. They were only saved when Rika and Henry slashed the Alias Modify Card, separating them from their Ultimate selves, leaving them weakened, but alive.
After Takato and Guilmon became Gallantmon and defeated Beelzemon, the team made it to Zhuqiaomon’s castle. Once inside, Renamon Digivolved into Kyubimon then straight into Taomon to battle the Sovereign. MegaGargomon apparently then defeated him, and the Digimon reverted to Rookie, but Zhuqiaomon then emerged from the rubble, and Renamon Digivolved straight through to Taomon again to protect everyone with a Talisman Spell. The fight was then broken up by Azulongmon, who explained the true nature of the conflict, and Renamon and Rika Bio-Merged into Sakuyamon to rescue Calumon from the Sovereign’s true enemy, the D-Reaper.
As the Tamers awaited the arrival of the Monster Makers’ ark that would return them to the real world, Rika and Renamon left to find Impmon and bring him with them. Renamon Digivolved into Kyubimon to carry Rika and Impmon back to the ark, but needed a boost from a Speed Modify Card to make it. The kids returned to Earth, but the D-Reaper followed them. Renamon became Kyubimon to carry Rika back to Shinjuku, where she reverted back to Renamon, and they met up with Takato and Henry. They spent the night in the school, and then, the following day, Renamon Digivolved into Kyubimon and straight into Taomon to battle the D-Reaper’s Agents.
When the Tamers moved to rescue Alice from the D-Reaper’s Agents, Renamon became Kyubimon, and destroyed the Bubbles that were pursuing her. A Creep Hands and more Bubbles then appeared, and Kyubimon Digivolved to Taomon to battle them.
Kyubimon did not appear again after this.
Kyubimon first appears in “O Partner, Where Art Thou?” Her voice is supplied by Mari Devon.
Name: From the Japanese word “kyuubi,” meaning “nine tails.” Kyubimon is the Renamon form which is most inspired by the Kitsune, mythical Japanese fox spirits, which had nine tails.
One of the five major Japanese islands, where Ryo Akiyama lives.