Group: Exalted Knight –
Level: Mega – Type: Virus –
Attack Techniques: Lightning Joust, Shield of the Just (normal),
Crimson Light, Final Justice (Crimson Mode)
Gallantmon is the Mega form of Guilmon,
created when he and Takato
Biomerge. The first Biomerged Digimon, he can morph his arms
into his
lance and shield weapons to generate his attacks. His powers of flight
are in question – his Digivolution
sequence shows him flying, and
he quite clearly has the ability in many of his appearances prior to
the arrival of Grani, but by
the season finale it was being said that
he couldn’t fly.
When Beelzemon killed Leomon in battle, and Jeri broke down,
Takato’s rage caused WarGrowlmon
to Digivolve into Megidramon,
and for his D-Power to be
destroyed. Megidramon was bested by
Beelzemon, and when Takato realised his mistake he De-Digivolved back
into Guilmon. He wished that he could fight alongside Guilmon against
Beelzemon, knowing that they could defeat him together – and the
power of his wish prompted the first Biomerge Digivolution, as Guilmon
and Takato combined to form Gallantmon. The ensuing battle between
Gallantmon and Beelzemon was fierce, and involved the destruction of
Behemoth, and the death of Chatsuramon as he tried to destroy Lopmon.
When Gallantmon defended Kenta
from Beelzemon, Kenta realised that
Guilmon and Takato had combined. Beelzemon managed to bring Gallantmon
to his knees, and had his gun to his head, but Guardromon unleashed his
Guardian Barrage attack, catching Beelzemon off-guard and enabling
Gallantmon to defeat Beelzemon with his Shield of the Just. He was
about to destroy Beelzemon when Jeri stopped him, saying that he
wasn’t worth it, and killing him wouldn’t bring Leomon
back. Beelzemon left, dejected, as Gallantmon split back into Takato
and Guilmon, and a new ultimate D-Power appeared for Takato.
Gallantmon next appeared when the Tamers were under threat from
Zhuqiaomon. Azulongmon
appeared to stop the battle between them, but
Zhuqiaomon refused to listen, and unleashed his Blazing Helix attack on
Guilmon. In retaliation, Guilmon and Takato merged into Gallantmon, and
fought back against Zhuqiaomon, who was repulsed by the notion of
Digimon and humans Digivolving together. Azulongmon broke the fight up,
and Gallantmon split back into Takato and Guilmon again.
Soon after, the Tamers rescued Calumon
and returned to the real world,
but were pursued by the D-Reaper.
The Tamers were little match for the
creature’s Agents,
however, as they were unable to Biomerge in
the real world, given that the Tamers were not data on Earth. When
Dobermon gave the Tamers the power to Biomerge in the real world,
Gallantmon, MegaGargomon and Sakuyamon battled with a squad of
D-Reaper’s Agents, then Gallantmon was pulled within the
D-Reaper’s chaos. Weakened, he was unable to hold his form and
split back into Takato and Guilmon. They were confronted by the Jeri
Type Agent, then saved by the Kenta and MarineAngemon.
Gallantmon next appeared to battle Paratice
Head and save Jeri’s
father. Gallantmon was swamped by the Agent’s tentacles as he
defended Mr. Katou, then Justimon and Guardromon severed the
Head’s life cord, destroying it. An Optimizer then appeared,
producing Bubbles, and
Gallantmon and Justimon tried to take them on,
to no avail. Meanwhile, the Monster
Makers’ modification of the
ark was complete, and it Bio-Emerged
into the real world at the battle
site – but did not move. Gallantmon’s energy was somehow
drawn upon by the ark to give itself life – now it was Grani,
Gallantmon’s battle steed, carrying him high enough to destroy
the Optimizer. He then split back into Takato and Guilmon again. This
is pretty much the point where they start to make it out that
Gallantmon can’t fly on his own, despite the fact that he has
incontrovertibly defied gravity numerous times already, in instances
where you can’t simply say “he can jump high,” which
is the popular fan explanation for this inconsistency.
When it was deduced
that the real Jeri was within the Kernel
Gallantmon led the attack on the D-Reaper. Grani then joined the battle
again, now equipped with the Yuggoth
Blaster, and flew Gallantmon to
the Kernel Sphere while the others held the Agents off. The Gatekeeper
kept Gallantmon at bay, but then Beelzemon took it on himself, but was
unable to do any damage. Grani then shattered the D-Reaper Ball with
the Yuggoth Blaster, but Beelzemon failed to save Jeri from within it,
and was caught by an attack from the Gatekeeper, sending him crashing
down from the heavens. Grani swooped and saved him, and the Digimon
then pulled back as the Global Taskforce unleashed a volley of magnetic
mines upon the D-Reaper. The D-Reaper destroyed the mines with
it’s own heat, and then evolved into a new form – the
Mother D-Reaper. Unable to
match its power, the Digimon retreated.
A week later, a new plan was formulated, and the Tamers and their
Digimon rallied to confront the D-Reaper in final battle. On the beach
in Tsukuba, after Takato said his goodbyes to his parents and his
cousin Kai, he and Guilmon
Biomerged into Gallantmon, and Grani arrived
to carry them back to Shinjuku.
Meeting with the others, they split
back into Takato and Guilmon to slash the Red Card, to allow themselves
to enter the D-Reaper. They combined again and ventured inside the
chaos, where they are attacked by armies of Agents. A Creep Hands
knocked Justimon and Gallantmon off of Grani, but they charged on
ahead, towards the Kernel Sphere, as Gallantmon told Grani they would
be back for him. After having his cape shredded by the Cable Reaper,
Gallantmon turned his attention back to the Mother D-Reaper while the
other Digimon held off it off. Struck by a blast from the D-Reaper
– which assumed the form of Jeri’s head - Gallantmon was
sent hurtling down from the sky... only to be given a gift by the fully
sentient Grani – his wings. Grani merged with Gallantmon, and
they were both transformed into the awesome Gallantmon Crimson Mode,
who obliterated the Jeri visage with his Final Justice attack, then
rocketed upwards with ease towards the Kernel Sphere, only to be
confronted by a multitude of Horn
Strikers, which he summarily
dispatched. A mutated version of the Jeri
Type Agent then appeared and
clashed with Gallantmon, claiming that Digimon had no right to exist.
Enraged, Gallantmon plunged his fist into the Agent, destroying it
outright. However, as Gallantmon headed for Jeri, and the D-Reaper was
sucked through the vortex created by MegaGargomon, the effects of the
Red Card began to wear off, and he reverted back into Takato and
Guilmon again. They were still able to save Jeri, and everyone was then
airlifted out by one of MarineAngemon’s bubbles.
Subsequently, the Digimon all had to return to the Digital World, or
they would be cut off from it and would die. Guilmon became Gigimon,
and floated through the portal, as Takato promised they would see each
other again. However, Takato discovered a portal to the Digital World a
few months later, enabling all the kids to be reunited with their
When Locomon appeared in the real world, controlled by the evil
Parasimon, Takato and Guilmon Biomerged into Gallantmon and destroyed
Parasimon, but not before he sent a signal into a rift between the
Earth and the Digital World, allowing a massive swarm of his kind to
emerge. Gallantmon and the other Digimon battled with the Parasimon,
and Gallantmon was able to call on the power Grani had given him,
transforming to his Crimson Mode again. Flying into the heart of the
rift, Gallantmon used his Crimson Light attack, which destroyed all the
Parasimon in one shot.
Gallantmon first appears in “Give a Little Bit.” His
is supplied by Steven Jay Blum and Brian Beacock. Note that Bandai of
America’s “Group” for this Digimon is
“Warrior,” but Henry’s D-Power analysis states it to
be “Exalted Knight,” so that’s what I’m using
Name: “Gallant” means
brave and chivalrous. “Crimson
Mode” comes from the fact that he turns crimson, a shade of red,
Group: Animal – Level:
Champion – Type: Vaccine –
Attack Techniques: Gargo Laser/Pellets, Bunny Pummel
Gargomon is the Digivolved
form of Terriermon, the Digimon partner of
Henry. Able to fire bolts of
verdant energy from the cannons in place
of his forearms, Gargomon’s attitude is not especially different
from that of Terriermon, although the first few times he Digivolved, he
had trouble coping with the power his new form brought. Note that for
this season, what was called “Gargo Pellet” in
“Digimon: The Movie” was changed to “Gargo Laser" for
the series, but became "Gargo Pellets" in "Battle of Adventurers."
Also, this Gargomon does not have the flight powers of the one in the
Terriermon first Digivolved into Gargomon in the Digital World when
Henry was playing his new Digimon game with Terriermon as his player
and swiped a large number of Modify
Cards in rapid succession. Gargomon
opened fire on the Gorillamon
he was fighting, and continued to attack
as he fled. Henry – a pacifist by nature – was appalled at
the needless violence, and was sorry for causing pain. A Blue Card then
appeared, and Henry slashed it, causing Terriermon to Bio-Emerge into
the real world.
After seeing what Gargomon had done before, Henry refused to let
Terriermon Digivolve. However, when the two of them tried to break up a
fight between Takato, Guilmon, Rika and Renamon in a parking garage,
Renamon’s Diamond Storm attack blew up a car. Terriermon was
caught in the blast, and Henry’s distress combined with the
powers of Calumon caused him
to Digivolve into Gargomon again. A little
drunk on power, Gargomon damaged the garage with his Gargo Laser, and
then, after fending off Renamon, turned his attention to Rika, almost
blasting her, before Guilmon tackled him. Note that the dub changed his
drunk-on-power attitude to an inability to control his cannons in this
instance, yet retained it in the following episode, during the
flashback to Terriermon's first Digivolution. Henry then had
stand on his head in the park until he De-Digivolved – an
unorthodox method, but it eventually worked.
Gargomon next appeared to battle Musyamon
– a point-blank blast
of Gargo Laser to his face destroyed him, and Gargomon absorbed his
data. Henry realised there had been no other choice, and realised that
there were some battles worth fighting, which it would be okay for
Terriermon to Digivolve to fight. Soon after, when the first Deva,
Mihiramon Bio-Emerged following
the activation of the Juggernaut
system, Terriermon became Gargomon to battle him, but went the
way of
Kyubimon, being quickly
defeated and knocked off the building when he
ran out of ammo. WarGrowlmon
then defeated Mihiramon.
When Sandiramon appeared in
the subway tunnels, Terriermon became
Gargomon to save Kyubimon from the clutches of his coils. Growlmon
arrived to add his strength to the fight, and a combination of their
attacks destroyed the snake Deva.
When Terriermon, Guilmon and Calumon accompanied Takato and Henry on a
school camping trip, they ran afoul of Sinduramon,
and engaged him in
battle alone. Takato and Henry arrived in time to have them Digivolve
to Gargomon and Growlmon to defeat him.
The appearance of Pajiramon
and Vajramon was cause for
distress, as
they proved powerful opponents. Gargomon battled Pajiramon, as Henry
used a Rock Armour Modify Card to defend him from her Thunder Stomp
attack. With nothing else to try, Henry slashed the Blue Card he had
recently found, and it, in conjunction with Calumon’s powers,
Matrix Digivolved Gargomon into
Rapidmon, who destroyed
Vajramon was also thought destroyed, but soon reappeared and tried to
convince Renamon to join the side of the
Digimon Sovereign. Gargomon
appeared to fight him, but his Gargo Laser had no effect on the Deva.
He tried again with an Energy Modify Card, to no effect. Vajramon was
then destroyed when Kyubimon became Taomon
for the first time.
At some point between Taomon's first appearance and the Bio-Emergence
of Vikaralamon, Terriermon
accompanied Henry, Takato and Guilmon on
their trip to Okinawa. Things
were going clamly, until an Ebidramon
appeared and attacked Henry and Terriermon, prompting Terriermon to
become Gargomon and destroy it. He and Henry were then transported by
Omnimon, guardian of the real
and Digital World, to Takato's side, to
aid him in battle with the evil Mephistomon.
Gargomon, Growlmon and
Kyubimon apparently managed to defeat him, but he then Digivolved to
his Mega form of Gulfmon.
Gargomon became Rapidmon, and he and the
other Ultimates combined their power to form the Trinity Burst attack,
destroying Gulfmon.
Gargomon next appeared with the other Champions to battle Indramon,
then reverted when Indramon departed as a result of the Juggernaut
program. When Indramon reappeared, Gargomon appeared again, but was
unable to do any damage – he ran out of ammo again, but Henry
replenished it with a Recharge Modify Card. Indramon was then destroyed
by WarGrowlmon.
Gargomon then appeared briefly to fight the rat Deva, Kumbhiramon
alongside Leomon. Then, when
Vikaralamon Bio-Emerged and began
demolishing the city, Gargomon and the other Champions fought against
him, but they were not strong enough to stop him. The Tamers finally
realised how to summon Blue Cards, and then did so. Gargomon became
Rapidmon again, and he and the other Ultimates went up against
Some time later, when the Tamers had entered the Digital World to
rescue Calumon from the Devas, Terriermon became Gargomon again to
battle the Behemoth motorcycle,
but his Gargo Laser had no effect on
the metal monstrosity. Guilmon was then possessed by the bike, but
Leomon was able to free him from its control. Not long after, Gargomon
appeared again to fight Majiramon,
the dragon Deva, but his attacks had
little effect – Cyberdramon
then destroyed the dragon. When
confronted by Beelzemon,
Terriermon Digivolved into Gargomon then
straight into Rapidmon without missing a beat. He did the same thing
along with the other Digimon when facing off against Zhuqiaomon.
Later, when the Tamers had returned to the real world, they were
followed by the D-Reaper. In
the first battle against it, Terriermon
once again Digivolved into Gargomon and straight on to Rapidmon.
When the Tamers moved to save Alice
and Dobermon from the
D-Reaper’s Agents, Terriermon became Gargomon
again, and
destroyed several Bubbles. As
Alice explained the situation, a Creep
Hands and more Bubbles appeared, and Gargomon became Rapidmon to
Gargomon did not appear again after this point.
Gargomon is first seen in “To Fight or Not to Fight,”
chronologically speaking, the flashback in the following episode,
“It Came From the Other
Side,” is the first time he
appears. His voice is supplied by Mona Marshall.
Name: A corruption of his Japanese
name, “Galgomon,” which
comes from “galgo,” a breed of dog similar to a greyhound.
However, this canine name doesn’t stop rabbit-related things from
being used, such as attack names like “Bunny Pummel” and
the regular nickname, “Gun Bunny.”
The Gatekeeper is the second half of the D-Reaper’s ninth Agent.
It was summoned along with the D-Reaper
Ball to protect the Kernel
Sphere when the Tamers deduced that Jeri was being held within it. The
Gatekeeper is the jagged ring that surrounds the ball. It can split
itself into razor-sharp segments which hurl themselves at the opponent
with deadly force. Gallantmon
and Beelzemon faced off
against it, and
Grani destroyed the D-Reaper
ball with its Yuggoth Blaster,
but when
Beelzemon subsequently failed to save Jeri, he was struck down by the
Gatekeeper and almost destroyed.
The Gatekeeper first appears in “Shadow of the Beast King.”
The Japanese card for the ninth Agent names it "Gatekeeper," while
Chiaki Konaka's website calls it the "D-Reaper Ball." For a time, it
was believed that the ball and the Gatekeeper were two separate Agents,
but rather it would appear that
they are two halves of the same, ninth
Agent. Note how the design of the Gatekeeper is incorporated into the
Mother D-Reaper as the “head-dress.”
Group: Mammal – Level: Rookie – Type: Virus – Attack
Techniques: Electric Stun Blast, Pit Fall
A Gazimon was among the unfortunate Digimon
see frozen in
IceDevimon’s collection
of defeated opponents. As seen in
“The Icemon Cometh.”
Name: “Gazi” is another
way of writing “gaji,”
which comes from “gajigaji,” a Japanese word for the sound
of eating.
Group: Amphibian – Level: Champion – Type: Virus
Attack Techniques: Symphony Crusher, Tongue Attack
A Gekomon was among the
shadowed Digimon who wanted Rika to tame them.
Another was among the unfortunate Digimon seen frozen in
IceDevimon’s collection
of defeated opponents.
Later, when Calumon was
wandering the desert of the Digital
World, a
Gekomon and an Otamamon
watched him run from Doggymon.
Later, Rika, Renamon, Kazu, Kenta, Jeri and Leomon came across a small
village of Gekomon who had been dominated by Orochimon, and forced to
mix drinks for him. Andromon
determined to defeated Orochimon, but the Gekomon didn’t want to
fight. Andromon battled him on his own, but each time he did so he only
wound up damaging the village – so when the group brought the
injured Andromon to the village, the head Gekomon was considerably
displeased, but was eventually convinced into letting the kids use some
of the data packets from the drinks to heal him. He De-Digivolved into
Guardromon, who then convinced
the Gekomon to help them defeat
Orochimon, by letting them hide in the drinks barrels as they were
delivered to Orochimon’s island. Leomon then destroyed Orochimon,
and the Gekomon were free to sing again.
When Calumon later released the light of the Shining Digivolution, this
group of Gekomon were seen being exposed to it. It’s not known
what they Digivolved into.
Months later, when Locomon
returned to the Digital World after the
Parasimon conflict on Earth, a
Gekomon was among the Digimon seen on
the desert plain as he drove through. As
seen in the closing credits of the original Japanese version of "Runaway Locomon."
A Gekomon first appears in “O Partner, Where Art Thou?”
always, the voice of the lead Gekomon in “Kazu’s
Upgrade” is supplied by Dave Mallow.
Name: From “gekogeko,” a
Japanese term for the sound of a
frog’s croak.

Group: Sea Animal - Level: Champion - Type: Virus - Attack Techniques:
Coral Crusher, Elastic Arms
A Gesomon was among the many Digimon
that were seen through the rip in
the sky during Vikaralamon’s
rampage. As seen in “A World
Name: In Japanese, when referring to
sushi, "geso" is squid legs.

Group: Micro – Level: In-Training – Attack Technique: Hot
Gigimon is in the In-Training form of Guilmon,
the Digimon partner of
Takato. After the defeat of the
D-Reaper, the Digimon felt the
of the Juggernaut, and had to
return to the Digital World.
reverted into Gigimon, and made Takato promise that they would see each
other again, before floating through the portal.
Gigimon appears in “Such Sweet Sorrow.” His
voice is
supplied by Steven Jay Blum.
Name: “Gigi” is Japanese
for “doubt.”
Tamers episode #35
English version written by Terri-Lei
Megidramon battles with Beelzemon, his existence disrupting
the balance
of the Digital World itself.
Beelzemon destroys Makuramon
and loads his
data, then almost does the same to Rapidmon
and Taomon –
Terriermon and Renamon are only saved by the
slashing of Alias cards.
With this extra strength, Beelzemon defeats Megidramon, and Takato
realises his mistakes, seeing visions of many Guilmons – but
Takato does not want another Guilmon to start over with, he wants the
same one he always had. Then, Guilmon and Takato Biomerge Digivolve
into Guilmon’s true mega – the awesome Gallantmon!
Episode Trivia - The title for this
episode may be derived from the
1992 Supertramp song of the same name.
Group: Mammal – Level: Rookie – Type: Data – Attack
Techniques: Spiral Saw, Four-Leg Kick
A Gizamon was among the shadowed Digimon
who wanted Rika to tame them.
As seen in “O Partner, Where Art Thou?”
Later, one was
among the unfortunate Digimon seen frozen in IceDevimon’s
collection of defeated opponents. As
seen in “The Icemon
Name: From the Japanese word
"gizagiza," meaning jagged.
Group: Evil – Level: Rookie – Type: Virus – Attack
Techniques: Fire Ball, Goblin Strike
When a Goblinmon Bio-Emerged
into the real world, it found itself
immediately confronted by Rika
and Renamon. The Goblinmon was
not much
of a match for Renamon, but still continued to fight. When the nearby
Calumon’s powers
activated, the Goblinmon Digivolved
into a
Fugamon, which Renamon then defeated, and absorbed the data of.
Goblinmon appears in “Digimon, Digimon Everywhere.”
Name: From “goblin,” a
small creature from fantasy. He is
called “Goblinmon” in dialogue, but the D-Power screen
calls him “Goblimon,” his Japanese name. Also, Bandai of
America refers to this Digimon as “Goburimon,” which comes
from an incorrect Romanisation of “Goblimon.” The change
from “Goburimon” necessitated a change in the names of his
attacks, as the names Bandai of American gives them both have
“Goburi” in them (Goburi Bomb and Goburi Strike).
Tamers episode #29
English version written by Adele Lim
Takato and co. find themselves
on another plain of the Digital World,
where they meet up with Kenta, Kazu, Ryo and Cyberdramon. They spend
the night in a castle, while Calumon
wanders the desert, as Makuramon
and Majiramon search
for him. The following day, the kids return to the
desert, where they clash with the two
Devas, and Cyberdramon destroys
Majiramon with the aid of a Goliath Modify
Card. Ryo then leaves as
Cyberdramon heads off searching for the next battle.
Group: Beast – Level: Champion – Type: Data – Attack
Techniques: Power Lifting, Energy Cannon
The powerful Gorillamon was an opponent faced by Terriermon in the
Digimon video game, before either of them Bio-Emerged into the real
word. Gorillamon destroyed a Numemon,
a Vegiemon and a Monochromon,
before Terriermon Digivolved into
Gargomon, and saw him off.
Some time later, Gorillamon Bio-Emerged into the real world. The
Digital Field his presence
created directly pursued Terriermon and
Henry, before trapping them in
a construction site, and then Gorillamon
himself materialised, to face them, along with Takato and Guilmon, in battle,
seeking revenge for his defeat. Henry was not willing to let Terriermon
fight and demanded Gorillamon return to the Digital World, but he paid
no heed, as he fought with Guilmon and Terriermon. Henry refused to let
Terriermon Digivolve again, and instead, slashed a Training Grips
Modify Card, which Terriermon used to bind Gorillamon.
Terriermon was
then able to fire his Bunny Blast into Gorillamon’s cannon,
causing an explosion which destroyed him. Henry told Terriermon not to
absorb his data, in the hopes it would return to the other side.
Gorillamon appears in “It Came From the Other Side.” His
voice is supplied by Paul St. Peter. Note that Bandai of
America’s “Group” for this Digimon is
“Animal,” but Takato’s D-Power analysis identifies it
as “Beast,” so that what I’m using here.
Name: From “gorilla.”
See Shibumi
Group: Rock – Level: Rookie – Type: Data – Attack
Techniques: Rock Fist, Crazy Crusher
A Gotsumon was among the unfortunate Digimon
see frozen in
IceDevimon’s collection
of defeated opponents. As seen in
“The Icemon Cometh.”
Name: From the Japanese word,
"gotsui," meaning rough or tough.
Group: Machine - Level:
Mega - Type: Data - Attack Techniques:
Destroyed Crash, Limited Express
When Locomon appeared in the
real world, under the control of the
spider-like Parasimon, he
began a continuous circuit of the city,
moving at a high enough speed to create a spatial distortion that
resulted in the opening of a rift between Earth and the Digital World.
While Rika, Takato and Guilmon were on board him, he Digivolved into
his Mega form of GrandLocomon and continued on his way towards the
rift, even though Gallantmon
was then able to destroy Parasimon - but
not before he set a signal into the rift that allowed a huge swarm of
his kind to emerge from it. After a battle, Gallantmon Crimson Mode
destroyed all the Parasimon, and GrandLocomon, who had reverted back
into Locomon and was now free as the last vestiges of Parasimon's
control faded, disappeared into the Digital World through the vanishing
GrandLocomon appears in "Runaway Locomon." His voice is
supplied by Lex Lang, and remains an impression of country singer,
Johnny Cash.
Name: From "grand," meaning large or
great, and "locomotive," an old
word for a train.
Grani started life as
the ark designed by the Monster Makers
to bring
the Tamers home from the Digital World.
The basic design of the ark was
taken from the communications devices the Monster Makers had created in
the past (which had become the Tamers’ D-Power Digivices), and
Dolphin programmed it with the
core code used in the group’s
original Digimon project.
Despite an attack by the D-Reaper
on the
Hypnos central processor, the
Monster Makers were able to harness the
processing power of computers all across the world, and deployed the
ark into the Digital World. Takato
stumbled and fell as he tried to
board the departing ark, and Guilmon
yelled at the ark to stop - which,
to everyone’s surprise, it did, enabling Takato, and the others
who were not on board, to get on, and then it moved off again,
returning to the real world, as Guilmon happily chatted away to it. But
soon, the D-Reaper’s chaos caught up to it, severing the track
that led to the real world, leaving the ark stranded. Takato pleaded
with the ark to keep trying... and in response, it connected to
Takato’s palmtop
communicator and displayed a message: “OK.” The ark soared
to the real world, emerging in Shinjuku
Park, where it was met by
Hypnos agents and the kids’ parents. After the kids disembarked,
the ark’s data collapsed and returned to the Digital World.
Some time later, as the kids
and their Digimon battled against the
D-Reaper, which had followed them through to the real world, the ark
sent Yamaki a message through
his laptop, asking for instructions
– it was clear that the Digimon core code it had been programmed
with had made it self-aware. He went to Daisy and asked her if she
could re-establish a connection with it. She did so, and then
reconstructed the ark in Chrome Digizoid, naming it Grani. During a
battle with an Optimizer, Shibumi slashed a Blue Card, allowing Grani
to Bio-Emerge into the
battlefield, but it did not move, until it
somehow drew on Gallantmon’s
energy, taking on a crimson hue. Now
fully functional, it carried Gallantmon high enough to sever the
Optimizer's many life cords, destroying it.
Grani then returned to the Hypnos temporary base, where it was modified
by Daisy and Riley, who
equipped it with a weaponised version of the original
Hypnos deletion program, Yuggoth.
However, they also found recorded
images of the Digital World from Grani’s memory, showing the
destruction it had been subjected to by the D-Reaper. In the subsequent
attack on the Kernel Sphere,
Grani flew Gallantmon into battle, but as
Beelzemon attacked, Gallantmon
came under fire from the Gatekeeper.
Beelzemon’s Corona
failed to damage it, but then Grani
fired its new “Yuggoth Blaster,” and shattered the D-Reaper
Ball. Unfortunately, Beelzemon was unable to save Jeri from
within the
Kernel Sphere, and was struck down by the Gatekeeper. Grani swooped to
save him as he plunged towards the chaos, and rose up again carrying
the weakened Impmon, then
freed the other Digimon from the
D-Reaper’s coils.
A week later, when the Tamers rallied for the final battle against the
D-Reaper, Grani flew Gallantmon from the beach in Tsukuba to Shinjuku.
Once inside the D-Reaper’s chaos, a Creep Hands appeared and
knocked Gallantmon and Justimon
off of Grani, who was grounded by the
assault. Gallantmon promised to return for him after they had saved
Jeri – but when he was downed by a blast from the D-Reaper, Grani
appeared, out of energy, but willing to give Gallantmon one final gift
to his friends. Sacrificing himself, he combined his form with
Gallantmon, giving him the power of flight, creating the awesome
Gallantmon Crimson Mode.
The ark first appears on
Daisy’s computer screen in
“Azulongmon Explains It
All.” It first physically appears
in “Janyu’s Ark.”
It becomes Grani in “His
Kingdom For A Horse.” Grani speaks only in “Jeri Fights
Back” – his voice is supplied by Dave Mallow.
Name: “Grani” was the
name of Siegfried’s horse in
Norse mythology.
Insectoid – Level: Mega – Type: Virus – Attack
Techniques: Dimension Scissors, Catastrophe
When Calumon released the
light of the Shining Digivolution,
GranKuwagamon was among the many Mega-level Digimon who were created
and converged on the area.
GranKuwagamon appears in “Janyu’s Ark.”
Name: “Gran” is short for
“Kuwaga” comes from the Japanese word,
“kuwagatamushi,” meaning stag beetle.
Group: Dark Dragon –
Level: Champion – Type: Virus –
Attack Techniques: Pyro Blaster, Dragon Slash
Growlmon is the Digivolved
form of Guilmon, the Digimon partner of
Takato. Huge and powerful,
Growlmon can belch streams of flame from his
mouth, and the blade-like protrusions on his arms can be charged with
energy and used to hack at his opponents.
Growlmon first appeared when Guilmon was locked in combat with
Devidramon. Takato had recently
become angry with Guilmon, thinking
that he was the one responsible for scaring couples in the park, when
in actuality, he had been set up by
Impmon. When Terriermon discovered
this, Takato called out to Guilmon, who was pinned to a wall by
Devidramon, apologising for his mistake. Calumon then arrived on the
scene, and his powers activated, making Guilmon Digivolve into
Growlmon. After a fierce but ultimately short battle, during which
Growlmon was lifted into the sky and dropped, Devidramon was destroyed
by Growlmon’s Pyro Blaster, and had his data absorbed. Takato was
at first terrified of Growlmon, thinking that he had changed
irreversibly, but Growlmon still had Guilmon’s personality, much
to Takato’s relief – but he couldn’t make him
De-Digivolve. They tried various ways to make him use up his energy,
but none worked. Growlmon had to sleep at a shrine, hoping the power of
prayer would have some effect, but Calumon then convinced him to go to
Takato’s house. Henry
then suggested they hide him in the tunnel
underneath the park, but he was chased out by Impmon. When they found
him the next day, they tried painting him in camouflage colours, but
rain washed it off. Then a rainbow, a sign that everything would be
okay, appeared in the sky – and Growlmon De-Digivolved back into
When the first Deva, Mihiramon, Bio-Emerged into the real world
the Juggernaut program core,
he defeated Kyubimon and Gargomon, then
Guilmon Digivolved to Growlmon and faced off against him. When he was
struck down, Takato felt his pain, passed out, and had a vision of
Guilmon telling him they needed to fight together. Takato’s
determination summoned a Blue Card,
which allowed Growlmon to Matrix
Digivolve into his Ultimate form of WarGrowlmon. Energised by
Takato’s own strength, WarGrowlmon was able to destroyed
When Sandiramon appeared in
the city’s subway tunnels, and
Gargomon and Kyubimon battled him, Guilmon was busy playing with Takato
and his friends when Impmon alerted them to what was going on. Guilmon
became Growlmon to add his strength to the fight, and they were able to
defeat him. When Guilmon, Terriermon and Calumon accompanied Takato and
Henry on a school camping trip, they ran afoul of Sinduramon, and
engaged him in battle alone. Takato and Henry arrived in time to have
them Digivolve to Growlmon and Gargomon to defeat him.
During the battle against Vajramon,
Guilmon became Growlmon to rescue
Calumon from the bull Deva, then went up against him himself, but was
beaten back. Vajramon was then defeated when Kyubimon became Taomon for
the first time.
At some point between the appearance of Taomon and the Bio-Emergence of
Vikaralamon, Guilmon went with
Takato on his trip to visit his cousin,
Kai, in Okinawa. There, they befriended a
girl named Minami, who was
being pursued by a number of wild Digimon, and was eventually captured
and taken to the island base of VP
Labs. Takato, Guilmon, Kai and
Seasarmon followed, only to be
attacked by a Depthmon and a
Mantaraymon. Guilmon Digivolved
into Growlmon, and destroyed the
Mantaraymon, then destroyed an Archelomon
as it lunged for them when
they entered the lab complex. Upon locating Minami, Growlmon destroyed
Ponchomon, Sepikmon and Pipismon all in one shot, and then Baronmon,
while he was distracted dealing with Seasarmon. The true villain of the
piece, Mephistomon, then
revealed himself, and transported the Tamers
into a world that he had designed as the image of mankind's
destruction. There, Growlmon and the other Champions battled and
apparently defeated him, but he Digivolved into his Mega form of
Gulfmon, prompting Growlmon to
become WarGrowlmon, and to combine his
energy with that of the other Ultimates to form the Trinity Burst
attack, which destroyed Gulfmon.
Growlmon appeared with the other Champions to battle Indramon,
then reverted when Indramon departed as a result of the Juggernaut
program. When Indramon reappeared, Growlmon appeared again, but was
unable to do any damage, though he fought on anyway. Takato slashed
Kazu’s home-made Blue
Card, but his determination to win made it
a real one, allowing Growlmon to become WarGrowlmon, to destroy
Indramon. Then, when Vikaralamon Bio-Emerged and began demolishing the
city, Growlmon and the other Champions fought against him, but they
were not strong enough to stop him. The Tamers finally realised how to
summon Blue Cards, and then did so. Growlmon became WarGrowlmon again,
and he and the other Ultimates went up against Vikaralamon.
Some time later, when the Tamers had entered the Digital World to
rescue Calumon from the Devas, Guilmon became Growlmon again to battle
the dragon Deva, Majiramon,
but their attacks had little effect –
Cyberdramon then destroyed the
dragon with the aid of a Goliath Modify
After Takato, Henry and Terriermon were separated from the group by a
Data Stream, Guilmon was still
able to become Growlmon somehow to carry
Kazu and Kenta through the
desert. There just ain’t no
way around
this, it’s a plot hole. The group then followed the sound
Takato’s voice through a Data Steam, and were transported into
the middle of the battle with Beelzemon. Growlmon fought against him,
but then, when Beelzemon killed Leomon,
he Digivolved into WarGrowlmon
and then Takato’s rage caused him to Digivolve into the violent,
uncontrollable Megidramon.
When facing Zhuqiaomon,
Guilmon Digivolved into Growlmon and then into
WarGrowlmon straight away, then did the same thing again during the
first battle against the D-Reaper
when they had returned to the real
When the Tamers moved to save Alice
and Dobermon from the
D-Reaper’s Agents,
Guilmon became Growlmon again, and carried
Takato and Henry, then destroyed several Bubbles. As Alice explained
the situation, a Creep Hands
and more Bubbles appeared, and Growlmon
became WarGrowlmon to battle them.
Months later, when Locomon
appeared in the city, Takato and Guilmon
were the first on the scene, and Guilmon Digivolved into Growlmon, to
try and bring Locomon to a halt. He failed, however, and reverted back
into Guilmon to go and alert the other Tamers.
Growlmon first appears in “A Question of Trust.”
His voice
is supplied by Steven Jay Blum.
Name: From “growl.”
Tamers episode #14
English version written by Steve Blum
Mihiramon is able to use the Juggernaut program to enter the real
world, and defeats Kyubimon and
Gargomon. While Growlmon battles him,
Takato feels his pain and
passes out, then has a vision that guides him
to summon the power of a Blue Card,
which lets Growlmon Matrix
Digivolve into WarGrowlmon,
and supported by Takato’s strength,
he defeats Mihiramon.
Episode Trivia - The title of this
episode might come from the
children's book, "Go Dog Go."
Group: Phantom Beast – Level: Mega – Type: Data
Attack Techniques: Legendary Blade, Legendary Claw
When Calumon released the
light of the Shining Digivolution,
Gryphonmon was among the many Mega-level
Digimon who were created and
converged on the area. Rika’s
D-Power displayed an analysis
of it.
Gryphonmon appears in “Janyu’s Ark.”
Note that Bandai
of America’s “Group” for this Digimon is
“Mythical Animal,” but his D-Power analysis has it as
“Phantom Beast,” so that is what I’m using here.
Name: From “gryphon”
(also spelled “griffin”),
a mythical beast with the head, beak, wings and talons of an eagle, the
body of a lion, and the tail of a snake. Rika calls it
“Gryphonmon,” which is its US name, but the D-Power
analysis spells it “Gryphomon” – it’s Japanese
Group: Machine – Level:
Champion – Type: Virus – Attack
Techniques: Guardian Barrage, Warning Laser
Guardromon is the Digimon partner of Kazu.
sees himself as a heroic defender of good, but he’s also rather
foppish, and
frequently unlucky in his endeavours. He has retractable missile
launchers in
his forearms, which fire his Guardian Barrage attack, and rocket jets
on his back. Chiaki Konaka wanted to put Guardromon into the series
of his fondness for the illustrations of his whistling missiles. When
the time
came to select Kazu’s partner, Konaka immediately chose
When the Tamers first met Guardromon, he was Andromon,
and was in the process of trying to liberate a village
of Gekomon from the
of Orochimon, who had enslaved them to mix drinks for him.
Andromon was
badly injured in a battle with Orochimon, and the Tamers took him to
Gekomon village, where they eventually managed to convince the grumpy
leader to give them some of the data packets from their drinks, which
they used
to heal Andromon. However, he had lost much of his energy, and as a
De-Digivolved into Guardromon. Orochimon then captured Jeri and
took her
to his island – as the others ran to save her, Kazu stayed with
Guardromon, taking
care of him. When he woke up, he concocted a plan to save Jeri,
convincing the
Guardromon to let them stow away inside the drinks barrels to get onto
Orochimon’s island undetected. After a fierce battle, Leomon
Orochimon with the aid of a LadyDevimon Modify Card. Then, a D-Power
appeared for Kazu – he and Guardromon were partners!
Guardromon proceeded to wander through the desert with the
rest of the group, searching for the missing Takato, Henry
and Terriermon.
When they heard Takato’s voice coming from a Data Stream,
they rode it
straight to the site of Rapidmon’s battle with Beelzemon,
joined in the fight. Guardromon unleashed a Guardian Barrage on
Beelzemon after
he fired at Kyubimon. After Guilmon and Takato Biomerged
into Gallantmon,
Guardromon was kicked aside by Beelzemon as he tried to protect Kazu
and Kenta
from him, then carried the two boys to a safe distance away from the
fight. As
Beelzemon then prepared to deliver the final blow, Guardromon unleashed
numerous Guardian Barrages, distracting Beelzemon, and giving
Gallantmon the
upper hand again, bringing Beelzemon down with his Shield of the Just
– but
Jeri stopped him from destroying him.
When the group arrived at the bridge to Zhuqiaomon’s
castle, Guardromon, Kazu and Kenta remained behind to watch Jeri and Suzie.
Guardromon took the task a little too literally, however, and simply
watched as
Suzie was flown away by her Digivice, into the castle, to Lopmon’s
side. After Azulongmon halted the battle between Zhuqiaomon and
Tamers in his castle, Guardromon flew Kazu, Kenta and Jeri onto the
After Calumon was rescued and released the light of
the Shining Digivolution, the kids and Digimon returned to the
world onboard the ark created by the Monster Makers –
when Takato was
left behind, Guardromon held onto the ark as everyone else formed a
chain to
try and pull him onboard. Back in the real world, Guardromon was quite
surprised when Kazu’s father greeted his son with a noogie.
A short time later, after the D-Reaper followed the
kids back to Earth, Kazu saw the Biomerged Digimon fighting it on
and resolved to join the fight – although Guardromon was a little
being as he was repeatedly kicked by Kazu’s mother for standing
in her flowerbed.
Guardromon then flew Kazu to the battle site, where they were then
joined by Justimon. Guardromon and Justimon then took on a Horn
Striker while Sakuyamon and MegaGargomon ventured
into the
D-Reaper’s chaos to rescue Takato and Guilmon. During the fight,
saved Justimon by blowing up a hunk of debris that the Horn Striker
hurled at
him. Guardromon also joined in the battle against a Paratice
combining his Guardian Barrage with Justimon's Voltage Blade to destroy
only to then be blasted from the sky by a swarm of Bubbles.
Later, when it had been deduced that Jeri was being held
within the D-Reaper’s Kernel Sphere, the Tamers set out
to rescue her
but were confronted by a swarm of Bubbles. Guardromon and Cyberdramon
immediately faced off against them, then Cyberdramon and the others
and took the fight closer to the D-Reaper, leaving Guardromon to fight
them on
his own – it wasn’t looking too hopeful until Antylamon
arrived to turn
the tide.
A week later, as the Biomerged Digimon waged the final
battle within the D-Reaper’s chaos, Guardromon, Kazu, Kenta and MarineAngemon
fought with Agents on the streets – Guardromon destroyed
a Paratice Head
with considerable ease, but they were all then nearly arrested by the
They somehow escaped that, and then MarineAngemon carried them into the
D-Reaper in one of his bubbles, which they then used to carry everyone
out, as
the D-Reaper was pulled through the Juggernaut vortex and
reverted. It
seemed as though it was all over – but it was not so, as the
effects of the
Juggernaut forced the Digimon to return to the Digital World.
reverted to his In-Training form of Kapurimon, and floated
through the
portal with the others Digimon.Subsequently, however, Takato
discovered a portal to the
Digital World, which meant that Guardromon and the other Digimon were
able to
be reunited with their partners.
When Locomon appeared in Tokyo,
Kazu and Guardromon quickly hooked up Kenta, MarineAngemon, Henry and
Lopmon to
try and figure out what to do. Guardromon used his jets to propel a
train car
containing them along the tracks (switching Lopmon for Terriermon along
way), and managed to catch up to Locomon. When Renamon was flung from
the train Digimon, Guardromon grabbed her and pulled her onto the train
They kept pace with Locomon, even as it was revealed that Parasimon
was controlling him and he Digivolved into GrandLocomon.
Gallantmon was able to destroy Parasimon, but not before he sent a
signal into
the approaching rift between Earth and the Digital World, allowing many
of his
kind to Bio-Emerge. Guardromon was able to destroy a
Parasimon with his grenades, as he and everyone else battled them, but
Gallantmon assumed his Crimson Mode and destroyed them all with one
Guardromon and everyone else were then guests at Rika's
birthday party.
Guardromon first appears in “Kazu’s Upgrade.”
voice is supplied by Richard Cansino.
Name: From “guard,” meaning to protect, or one who
protects. Note that in the first two seasons of the show, the other
who appeared had their names spelled “Gardromon.” For the
third season, the
spelling was changed to match the spelling used by Bandai of America
(and Japan).
Additionally, the attack known as “Grenade Destroyer”
became “Guardian Barrage”
for season three – because “Grenade Destroyer”
isn’t a particularly suitable
attack name for a character as heroic as Guardromon.
Group: Reptile – Level:
Rookie – Type: Virus – Attack
Techniques: Pyro Sphere, Rock Breaker
Guilmon is the Digimon partner
of Takato, and shares a very
close bond
with him, as he was actually created from Takato’s own
imagination. As he was only recently created, he still has a very young
mentality, and the innocence that goes along with it, not really
knowing what’s good and bad, and having to learn from Takato. But
Guilmon’s simple outlook on life has taught Takato many things,
too, helping him to overcome his fears about Guilmon’s
Digivolving. The two biggest
loves of Guilmon’s life are playing
and eating – he is especially fond of bread. Specifically
designed by Takato to be “more powerful than Agumon,”
Guilmon can shoot balls of flame from his mouth. When he catches the
scent of an enemy Digimon, his eyes shrink to slits and he becomes more
While sitting outside of class because he arrived late, Takato made a
sketch in his notebook of a Digimon he created. He subsequently wound
up with detention for responding glibly to Miss Asaji’s comment
on the drawing, and used the time to write and draw more details about
this Digimon, who he named “Guilmon.” After school, he
discovered that his card reader had been transformed into a D-Power
Digivice by the Blue Card he
had slashed through it earlier, and, once
he got home, he attempted to swipe his Guilmon drawings through it, but
they got stuck. As he left the Digivice on his desk, it came to life
and scanned the pages itself – and somewhere in the Digital
World, the DigiGnomes
saw this, and combined together packets of data,
brining Guilmon to life. A Digi-Egg appeared on the Digivice screen, as
it incubated. Then, when it hatched, Takato used the compass function
to locate the emergence point, and arrived just as Guilmon Bio-Emerged
into the real world. Takato was immediately fearful as Guilmon blasted
at some rats, but the Digimon quickly proved to be a childish, friendly
one, who Takato then brought home, hidden under a cardboard box. The
following day, Takato set up a makeshift hideaway for Guilmon while he
went to school, but Guilmon followed him, still in the box, and
proceeded to terrify Mr. Iwamoto
and the principal, then eat
all the
food in cafeteria. The distressed Takato thought he’d lost him
forever, until he found him on the school roof. They then went to look
for a better place where he could hide during the day, but were
attacked in the park by Rika
and Renamon. Henry and Terriermon arrived
to break up the fight, and they then found a small, old building for
Guilmon to live in. Later in the day, Takato saw a convoy of black
trucks leaving the park, and thought that Guilmon had been discovered,
but then found him hiding in a bush, hiding from Takato for fun. Takato
then took Guilmon out into the city, passing him off as a kid in a
costume – but soon, Guilmon picked up the scent of another
Digimon, and went into an underground parking garage, where they found
Rika and Renamon again. Henry and Terriermon appeared once more, but
Terriermon became Gargomon and
almost shot Rika, before Guilmon tackled
him and saved her. That evening, Guilmon tried to learn to
on his
head, like Gargomon was doing to try and De-Digivolve. The day after,
Guilmon and Terriermon battled Gorillamon.
One morning, after the school soccer field had been vandalised, Guilmon
and Takato found the culprit, Calumon,
sleeping behind some pipes. They
took him to Guilmon’s hideaway, and then in the evening, he
convinced Guilmon to come back to the soccer field with him, where they
drew all over it again, then wound up in a battle when a Vilemon
Bio-Emerged. A little later, when Guilmon and Terriermon arrived to aid
Renamon in battle against Allomon,
she seemed indignant at having been
At one point, Guilmon disappeared into a void between the real and
digital worlds. The Tamers ventured into an energy field in the tunnel
beneath the park, where they found Guilmon, and managed to get him out
before Yuggoth deleted the
whole area.
Soon after, Guilmon encountered Impmon,
who convinced him into joining
in his scaring of couples in the park. Takato became angry, as he had
previously defended the notion that Guilmon was responsible, but then,
when Guilmon wound up battling a Devidramon,
Terriermon learned the
truth and told Takato, who apologised to Guilmon, prompting him to
Digivolve into Growlmon,
destroy the Devidramon and absorb it’s
data. Afterward, it took a long time, but Growlmon reverted into
Guilmon. Later, when IceDevimon
captured Rika, the Tamers faced off against him in his
lair. With the aid of a Hyper Wing
Modify Card, Guilmon destroyed the
frozen fiend and absorbed his data.
After Takato lost to Kazu and
Kenta in a card game match, he
took them
to see Guilmon, but all they saw were his glowing eyes, before his roar
sent them running scared. Guilmon then battled Musyamon, who was
destroyed by Gargomon. Soon after, Jeri
wanted to meet Guilmon, and
reacted considerably better than Kazu and Kenta did. In the evening
after that meeting,
Guilmon headed for the site of Renamon’s battle with Harpymon.
After Guilmon defeated DarkLizardmon
in battle, he and Takato were
confronted by Yamaki of the Hypnos organisation. Guilmon was
eager to
Digivolve again, but Takato was fearful of it, thinking he could turn
into some kind of monster. He and Guilmon talked about it, and Guilmon
simply said that he would always be himself, reassuring Takato that it
would be all right. Then, when Hypnos activated the Juggernaut program,
the first Deva, Mihiramon was able to Bio-Emerged on
Earth via it.
Guilmon became Growlmon to battle him, and then through the power of a
Blue Card, became WarGrowlmon
for the first time, and defeated him.
Soon after, Takato introduced
several more kids from his class to
Guilmon, and they spent the day playing in the park. Impmon then
arrived and alerted them to Kyubimon and
Gargomon’s battle with
Sandiramon in the subway.
Guilmon tunnelled underground with a
Digmon’s Drill Modify Card, then became Growlmon to lend his
power to the fight and destroy Sandiramon.
When Guilmon, Terriermon and Calumon accompanied Takato and Henry on a
school camping trip, they had a lot of fun playing in the great
outdoors, until the rooster Deva, Sinduramon,
appeared. Guilmon and
Terriermon left to battle him alone, until Takato, Henry and Calumon
followed them and had them Digivolve into Growlmon and Gargomon to
defeat him.
Guilmon was unable to accompany the group on their search for the
mysterious yellow-jacketed man because he was too big to go on the
train, but he
did participate in the second battle with Vajramon, becoming Growlmon
to save Calumon.
At some point between this and the Bio-Emergence of Vikaralamon,
Guilmon went with Takato on his trip to Okinawa to visit his cousin,
Kai. Guilmon was forced to hide
in a large suitcase, and was desperate
to get out by the time they arrived. Takato was so exhausted from
pushing the case that he fell asleep, and Guilmon had to push him -
running into Kai in the process. Overcoming his initial distress, Kai
quickly took a liking to Guilmon, and took him fishing while Takato
slept. Later, on another fishing trip, they encountered a girl named
Minami, who was being pursued
by a Tylomon, which Guilmon
attacked and destroyed. Minami was taken to Kai's home to be cared for,
where it was revealed that she was the daughter of the creator of the
V-Pet craze that was sweeping
the world. In the night, more Digimon
came for her - Guilmon managed to defeat a Scorpiomon in a pitched
battle, with the aid of an Aero Wing Modify Card, but Minami was then
taken by a Mantaraymon to the
island base of VP Labs, the company that
created the V-Pets. Guilmon, Takato and Kai followed, along with
Seasarmon, a Digimon who had
emerged from Minami's V-Pet, but they were
attacked as they entered a cave on the island. While Seasarmon dealt
with the Depthmon who had
dragged them under, Guilmon became Growlmon
and destroyed the Mantaraymon. The group went on to enter the lab
complex, and apparently free Minami, only to discover that the company
president was actually the evil Digimon, Mephistomon, in disguise.
Mephistomon began his plan to use the V-Pets to plunge Earth's
electronics network into chaos, and teleported the Tamers to an
illusionary world he had created in the image of mankind's destruction.
There, the Champion Digimon battled him, but he Digivolved into his
Mega form of Gulfmon,
prompting the Champions to become Ultimate, and
combine their energy to form the Trinity Burst attack, which destroyed
While playing seek with Takato, Jeri, Kazu and Kenta, Guilmon came
across a mysterious boy, who then ran off. He then Digivolved to battle
Indramon with the other
Champions, but reverted when the horse Deva
disappeared. When Indramon reappeared, he became Growlmon again, and
then WarGrowlmon, to destroy him. When Vikaralamon Bio-Emerged not long
after, Guilmon became Growlmon for the fight, but the Champions were
unable to do any damage. The Tamers realised how to summon Blue Cards,
and did so, making the Digimon Digivolve to Ultimate –
WarGrowlmon then destroyed Vikaralamon after an abortive activation of
the Juggernaut program, which was halted by the mysterious boy, who was
actually Makuramon, the monkey
Deva. Makuramon then captured Calumon
and took him into the Digital World.
The Tamers realised that they had no choice but to follow, and Guilmon
successfully located a portal to the Digital World beneath his
hideaway. In preparation for the departure, Takato introduced Guilmon
to his parents. His mother was shocked and didn’t want him to go,
but his father accepted it and understood – and asked Guilmon to
watch out for his boy, in return for making a loaf of Guilmon bread.
The group then travelled through the portal, and arrived on the
earliest plain of the Digital World. Where, not long after, the group
was split up when Rika, Renamon, Kazu and Kenta were transported away
by a Data Stream. The remaining
kids and Digimon soon found their way
to a Chuchidarumon village,
where they battled the Behemoth
When Guilmon knocked MetalKoromon
off it, the bike took over his mind,
making him it’s rider, and forcing him to attack the others.
Leomon successfully knocked him
off the bike with the flat of his blade.
to their flag, Guilmon picked up Renamon’s scent, and
led them to a cave, which wound up transporting them to the
black-and-white Digital World plain. There, Guilmon found what he
thought was a box of chocolate, and ate some... but it wasn’t
chocolate. Meeting up with Kazu, Kenta and Ryo, they spent the night in
a castle, and the following day, returned to the desert plain, where
Guilmon became Growlmon to battle Majiramon,
who then destroyed by
Going back to the flag again, Guilmon detected Calumon’s scent.
Then, following a battle with Beelzemon,
Takato, Henry and Terriermon
were swept up by another Data Stream, separating them from the group.
Guilmon and the remaining kids and Digimon then accidentally stumbled
through a warp that led them to the forest plain of the Digital World,
where they met Andromon, and
got caught up in his conflict with
Orochimon. During the subsequently battle with Orochimon, Guilmon was
able to destroy one of his heads with a Pyro Sphere.
Somehow, Guilmon was able to become Growlmon to carry Kazu and Kenta
through the desert. No explanation
is given for this, it’s just a
big ol’ plot hole. When he heard Takato’s voice
through a
data stream, the group rode it to the site of the battle with
Beelzemon, during which Leomon was killed, and Takato’s rage made
WarGrowlmon became the uncontrollable Megidramon.
When Megidramon was
defeated by Beelzemon, Takato had another dream vision that showed him
innumerable Guilmon – but Takato didn’t want another
Guilmon, he wanted the one he had always had. Megidramon reverted to
Guilmon, and their determination to defeat Beelzemon caused their
Biomerge Digivolution into
Guilmon’s true Mega form, Gallantmon.
The battle against Beelzemon was fierce, but Gallantmon was eventually
victorious, although Jeri stopped him from destroying Beelzemon, as it
wouldn’t make things right.
When the group finally made it into Zhuqiaomon’s
castle, Guilmon
Digivolved straight into WarGrowlmon to battle him. After it was
thought that MegaGargomon had
subdued him, the Digimon reverted, but
Zhuqiaomon emerged from the rubble of his castle and attacked them
again. Guilmon and Terriermon left the protection of Taomon’s
shield and fought back, to absolutely no effect. When Azulongmon
arrived and tried to break the fight up, Zhuqiaomon nearly destroyed
Guilmon, but he and Takato merged into Gallantmon and fought back
against the disgusted Zhuqiaomon, before Azulongmon halted the
hostilities, and explained to the Tamers the true nature of the
situation, and the battle against their “true enemy,” the
deadly D-Reaper.
After the group rescued Calumon, and the light of the Shining
Digivolution was released, they attempted to return to the real
in the ark made by the Monster Makers.
When Takato was almost left
behind by the departing ark, Guilmon yelled at it, asking it to stop
– which, to everyone’s surprise, it did. After everyone was
on board, the ark continued on it’s way, as Guilmon happily
talked to it. After arriving back on Earth, Takato and Guilmon took
Jeri to her parents in East Matsumoto.
But, then, in the bus station,
they saw a terrifying news report – the D-Reaper’s chaos
had followed them back, and had already engulfed West Shinjuku. They
returned to the city and reunited with Henry, Rika and their Digimon,
then hid out in the school, before baking their breakfast at
Takato’s family’s bakery. The Digimon then Digivolved
straight into their Ultimate forms to battle the D-Reaper’s
Agents, helped out against a Pendulum
Feet by Beelzemon, who had made
peace with his Tamers and Digivolved to his Blast Mode.
a meal at Rika’s house – where Guilmon finally got
his Guilmon bread – they kids moved to rescue Alice from the
D-Reaper’s Agents.
Guilmon became Growlmon, and, as Alice
introduced herself to the Tamers, he became WarGrowlmon to fend off a
Creep Hands. Dobermon then gave the Tamers the
energy needed to
Biomerged in the real world, and Gallantmon was drawn inside the
D-Reaper’s chaos, where he split back into Takato and Guilmon,
and they were confronted by what appeared to be Jeri. But Guilmon
realised that it wasn’t Jeri at all, but another of the
D-Reaper’s Agents. Thankfully, the duo was saved from this Jeri
Type Agent by the arrival of Kenta and MarineAngemon.
Guilmon and Takato merged into Gallantmon again to protect Jeri’s
father from a Paratice Head.
When an Optimizer appeared, the
Makers modified ark, Grani,
Bio-Emerged into the battlefield, where it
flew Gallantmon high enough to destroy the towering Agent.
When it was deduced that the real Jeri was being held in the Kernel
Sphere, Guilmon and Takato became Gallantmon again to attempt to
her. They were joined in their effort by Beelzemon, but even though
Grani was able to shatter the D-Reaper Ball, Beelzemon failed to rescue
the terrified girl from within. The D-Reaper became the Mother
D-Reaper, and forced the Tamers, Digimon, Hypnos operatives and
Makers to withdraw from the area and relocate to Tsukuba. A week later,
on the beach there, Kai arrived from Okinawa to give Takato some advice
and support. In response to Henry’s summons, Guilmon and Takato
became Gallantmon again and returned to Shinjuku, where they separated,
slashed the Red Card and
merged again, entering the D-Reaper’s
chaos to wage the final battle. As he faced off against the Mother
D-Reaper, Gallantmon merged with Grani and became Gallantmon Crimson
Mode, but the effects of the Red Card wore off after he defeated the
Jeri Type Agent, and he split back into Guilmon and Takato. With a
final show of strength, Guilmon hurled Takato through the chaos to
Jeri’s side – before Kazu and Kenta arrived, and everyone
was lifted to safety by one of MarineAngemon’s bubbles, as the
D-Reaper was devolved by the Juggernaut program.
It seemed as if it was all over... but it was not to be, and the
Juggernaut's effects were felt upon the Digimon, meaning they had to
return to the Digital World. Guilmon De-Digivolved into his In-Training
form of Gigimon, and travelled
through the portal, as Takato promised
they would see each other again. Thankfully, Takato's subsequent
discovery of a portal into the Digital World put the truth to his
words, as Guilmon and all the other Digimon were reunited with their
Tamers again.
Months later, when Locomon
appeared in Tokyo, Guilmon and Takato were
the first on the scene. Guilmon Digivolved into Growlmon to try and
bring the train Digimon to a halt, but failed, reverting into Guilmon
to go and get help from the other Tamers while Takato boarded Locomon.
While they used a train car to catch up to Locomon, Guilmon tunnelled
his way in front of him, grabbing on as he passed overhead and boarding
that way. When the true villain of the piece, Parasimon, revealed
himself as having taken control of Locomon and Rika, Guilmon used his
Rock Breaker to free Rika, then he and Takato Biomerged into Gallantmon
and destroyed Parasimon, but not before he was able to send a signal
into an approaching rift between Earth and the Digital World that
allowed many of his kind to Bio-Emerge. Gallantmon and the others
battled with the Parasimon swarm, until Gallantmon assumed his Crimson
Mode, and destroyed all the Parasimon with one attack. He then split
back into Takato and Guilmon, and they and the others attended Rika's
birthday party.
Guilmon first appears in “Guilmon Comes Alive.”
His voice
is supplied by Steven Jay Blum. It is known that another actor
performed Guilmon's voice for the first two episodes, but was replaced
with Blum, who then re-recorded the first two episodes with his voice.
The identity of this original actor is not known.
Name: Apparently, “guil”
is derived from a misspelling of
“gill,” but there’s no real evidence to suggest that
Guilmon actually HAS gills. It could also come from the English word,
“guile,” meaning deceit or cunning, but that doesn’t
seem to fit Guilmon very well. Another popular suggestion is that it
may come from “gila monster,” but the spelling
doesn’t fit with the Japanese characters used in his name.
Tamers episode #1 (season premiere)
English version written by Steve Blum
Reset reality: it’s a whole new world! Takato is a young boy who
loves Digimon, but when a Blue Card appears among his
collection and
turns his card reader into a D-Power
Digivice, it’s the beginning
of an adventure he’ll never forget! After drawings of his own
self-created Digimon, Guilmon,
are scanned by the D-Power, he sees
and Renamon fighting Lynxmon in his dreams, and then, the
day, Guilmon Bio-Emerges into
the real world!
Episode Trivia - The title of this
episode is a reference to the music
album, “Peter Frampton Comes Alive.” Upon it’s first
airing in the US, this episode was combined with “Digimon,
Digimon Everywhere” to form an hour-long season premiere
Dark Animal - Level: Mega - Type: Virus - Attack Techniques:
Black Scream, Black Rhythm
Gulfmon is the Mega form of Mephistomon,
the evil Digimon created from
the data of an Apocalymon.
After initiating his scheme to plunge the
world's electronics network into chaos by using V-Pets, Mephistomon
transported the Tamers into an illusionary world he had created in the
image of mankind's destruction. There, Growlmon,
Gargomon and Kyubimon
battled and apparently defeated him by bringing a cruise ship down on
him in a ball of flame, but minutes later, he emerged from the wreckage
as the gigantic Gulfmon. The Champions resumed the offensive, but
couldn't hurt the massive villain, until Calumon's powers activated,
and they Digivolved into their
Ultimate forms. As Gulfmon charged
towards them, they combined their energies and formed the Trinity Burst
attack, which speared through Gulfmon, shattering and destroying him.
Gulfmon appears in "Battle of Adventurers." His voice
is supplied
by Richard Epcar.
Name: From "gulf," a deep, impassable
chasm.
Group: Micro – Level: In-Training – Attack Technique:
Bubble Blow
Gummymon is in the In-Training
form of Terriermon, the Digimon partner
of Henry. After the defeat of
the D-Reaper, the effects of
Juggernaut were felt upon the Digimon, meaning they had to
return to
the Digital World or perish.
Terriermon was the first to revert,
turning back into Gummymon, and telling Henry to moumantai one last
time before floating through the portal.
Gummymon appears in “Such Sweet Sorrow.” His
voice is
supplied by Mona Marshall.
Name: From “gummy,”
apparently in reference to his...